Foundations of Art

Beautiful Oops - September 9th, 2016

Time Capsules - September 13th, 2016

Lichtenstein Square - September 19th, 2016

Extended Blind Contour - September 27th, 2016

Design and Space - October 5th, 2016

Pure Contour - October 13th, 2016

Abstract Shoe - October 17th, 2016

Selfie Still Life - October 25th, 2016

Perspective - October 31st, 2016

Candy Still Life - November 14th, 2016

Mixed Media Drawing - December 1st, 2016

Self Portrait - December 16th, 2016

Art History - January 13th, 2017

Faith Ringgold.mp4

Faith Ringgold Video

Contemporary Art- Narrative.mp4

Contemporary Narrative Art Video

Oil Pastel Color Study - Feburary 7th, 2017

Creative Color Design - March 6th, 2017

Surrealist Collage Painting - March 21st, 2017

Social/Political Issue Prints - April 4th, 2017

Scratchboard - April 24th, 2017

Wire Sculpture - May 8th, 2017

Assemblage Sculpture - May 24th, 2017

Beautiful Oops - May 26th, 2017

Independent Project - June 12th, 2017

Written Reflection:

Overall, this class was really awesome. I learned so much and discovered that I'm better than I originally thought I was at art. I really like how we covered many different aspects of art, because I found that I liked types of art I didn't know I would. When we were introduced to printmaking, I didn't like the idea of it, but after going through the whole process of carving, printing, and extending, I realized it was really fun and worth the effort in the end. I had never created or worked with scratchboard before, and I realized I really liked it after this class. One thing I did struggle with this year, was working with charcoal, and I plan on improving my work with it. Overall, I am most proud of my Self Portrait, Scratchboard, and Assemblage Sculpture.

I learned that it takes self discipline and motivation to improve your work. If you want to be better at something, you need to work for it and get help when needed. My work before Foundations of Art was not original at all, and and had nothing unique about it. Now, it is completely different. This class helped me appreciate art more, and have an understanding of famous artists and how their work was created and what inspired them. Some of the historical artists we learned about gave me inspiration and motivation to create my own work. I learned new forms of art that I hadn't thought about before, too, like wire sculpture. Also, looking at my self portrait from the first quarter compared to my self portrait from the second quarter, I really improved. I learned more about value and how to create it. My work differed a lot in the first and second semesters, and it improved a lot between the two.

Art is very important to me in my life. I use art to express myself and how I feel. Art is my way of letting go. Without art, I wouldn't be who I am today.

Video Reflection:

Foundations of Art Final Reflection Video.mp4