Abstract Shoe

Artist Statement:

The subject of this photo is a really zoomed in view of a slipper, that was created into an abstract piece. When I made this piece, I started out with a graphite pencil to create the lines, then I went over those with Sharpie, and added a few more. Next, I used colored pencil, more Sharpie, oil pastel, markers, and watercolors. I chose to create this specific piece, because I wanted to create something different, with a lot of different materials and colors.

The composition rules/techniques I used in this piece were line when I drew all of the beginning lines, shape when i created all of the different shapes in the piece, space, because I filled all of the white space with color, and pattern, because I used many different patterns.

Something I would change in this piece, would be the neatness of the watercolor part, because it is very sloppy. This project has a lot of color, and I love colors, so that's how it relates to my life. It also is an abstract version of my shoe close up.