Creative Landscape

Original Photo

Photo Edit

Artist Statement:

This photo is of my friend's driveway. I used my phone to take this photo. I took this picture because I liked the lanscape that I saw. I used the following elements and principles: line, because the driveway and treeline; shape, because the trees, sun, and driveway; color, because the sky and driveway etc; value, because you can see the different values in the snow; texture, because the driveway and snow seem textured; emphasis seems to be on the driveway; and movement, because the photo seems to be moving.

This photo contains the following compostion rules/techniques: rule of thirds, because the sun is in one of the required spot; and leading lines, because the driveway and trees lead around. Originally, I wanted to do a cityscape for this project, but I didn't end up going to the city. This photo relates to my concentration because it is of a natural and organic landscape.

I really like this photo and it's one of my favorites. I like how the landscape is layered. Snow, driveway, snow, road, trees, sky. It relates to my life because it is at my best friend's house, one of my favorite places to be. If I could change something about this photo, it would be the sun's location. I would move it so it was more in the photo and on the rule of thirds spot perfectly.