Selfie Still Life

Artist Statement:

In this piece, the setting is on a beach, with palm trees. I used graphite pencil and colored pencils to create it. I chose to create this artwork because it has a watch that my grandpa gave me, after his wife passed away, that was his her's, and a dinosaur that my little cousin gave me. This art contains some elements, which are, shape, when I created the dinosaur, alligator, and watch, and color, where I colored the background.

In this piece, I used the rule of thirds, by placing the dinosaur and alligator in certain places, that make it look better. When I started this project, I was originally going to just use the dinosaur and the watch, but I decided to add the alligator last minute, for more space to be filled. Also, I wasn't going to add color, but I decided to.

The artwork shows a dinosaur "time traveling" and an alligator trying to eat him. This project relates to my life because they are on a beach, and I love beaches. I think if I added more differentiating lines on the animals, it would look better and more put together.