Ceramics I

Final Reflection:

Throughout this semester in Ceramics I, we have worked with many techniques, from pinch pots, to coil pots, to soft slab mugs. Overall, I am most proud of the in-class project of the coil and carve because I tried something new with the outside of the pot. I used objects I found to make some of the shapes and larger carving tools for the first time, and I thought it looked really cool. I also tried a new type of glaze (PC) and I love how it turned out. The process was really fun as well; I used the extruder to create my coils so they were all the same size, and made a quite even looking coil pot. I learned that it isn't that hard to get the hang of a simple machine like that.

Taking this class made me realize that ceramics is a really relaxing and fun form of art. I like all of the different approaches you can take with clay, and how you can always find a way to fix something if you make a mistake. Now looking at different pieces of art in the world around me, I can almost always recognize the different techniques and glaze types of different pieces. I think after I finish Ceramics II, I might try more ceramics projects for the heck of it.

I think that our Ceramics I class was really awesome. I stepped out of my comfort zone compared to art I regularly make, which was really cool. I made one piece that was a little over a foot tall, which is a big work compared to what I'm usually comfortable with. I think it would be cool to have a little more freedom when it comes to some of the projects.