Pure Contour

Artist Statement:

The subjects of these drawings is a slipper and I created it using graphite pencil. The assignment was to create pure contour, so I made all of my lines crisp and clear, instead of sketchy lines, to create value. I created these specific pieces because the shoe I drew had interesting shape. These drawings contain the following elements and principles, line from when I drew the pure contour lines, shape because of the different and varying shapes in the shoe, and value was used when I created the different colored lines.

When creating these pieces, I had to do a lot of fixing. The lines were never perfect, and I had to erase and redo them quite a bit. It also did become difficult at times, to enlarge the cropped piece of the original shoe, and create it on a separate piece of paper.

This artwork is of my shoes, which I walk in, so this is a recreation of something of mine. If I could fix something in my pieces, I would color the stitching darker on the cropped images, and lower the back of the shoe in the front view of it on the three views of a shoe drawing.