Leading Lines

Anna Labbe

School's Out

FEBRUARY 26, 2019

Anna Labbe

No More Snow to Shovel

FEBRUARY 26, 2019

For this project, I kind of had a bit of trouble with finding leading lines. It seems relatively easy to do, and at first I was thinking I could capture the snow that's piled up on the side of my road and it'd make some cool type of snow, leading lines -looking fort image. But, my road is kind of curvy, and I couldn't get that affect of both sides of the road leading to something at the end. However, in my driveway, there was some melting ice, and in front of my garage it formed a little river, which is the image at the bottom. I also took the picture at the top, because I saw the Durham Community School Buses parked in the parking lot late at night when I was returning home from rehearsal, and thought that they could make a cool leading lines image. I decided to leave the headlights of my car on and take the picture from the side of the bus. I don't really know if the image counts as leading lines, I think it might, but I just liked it anyway. There's kind of a weird, maybe creepy vibe to it, an empty school bus late at night. I cropped the edges of the image so it would look like the bus was closer, and that it was coming out of the right side and stopping at the 1/3 mark on the left side, like an imbalance. However, I did include the other image I took, just in case it was a better example of leading lines, and it does go with my concentration better, because it has water.