Repetition Roll

Anna Labbe


FEBRUARY 14, 2019

For this project, the objective was to create and develop a roll of film based around the technique of repetition and grouping. I actually made took two rolls of film for this project, because I was halfway through one roll and decided to finish it with the prompt, in addition to the actual assigned 25 images.

With this project, I found that a lot of my pictures really varied in the lighting, like I was outside a lot of the time, but I was also inside, and my flash was going off while I was taking some of these pictures (which I didn't even realize!) so deciding on an exposure and aperture was pretty hard, because I wasn't sure what a happy-medium for all the pictures would be. However, when the images came out, I discovered that quite a few of them were pretty blurry! I don't know what the heck I was doing while I was taking the pictures, but I guess I was sure in a rush or something because they are pretty grainy and blurry! That's okay though, because out of the 25 there were at least a couple that were not blurry and went along with the prompt well enough to salvage my project.

One image that I really liked was the enlarged picture that I took of some kayaks hanging out outside of L. L. Bean! I really liked the way these kayaks came out because in real life, they are so bright and colorful, but here they look really cool too! I like this image because it shows the repetition technique, and also has a full range of value because of the bright white snow leftover on the kayaks, and the dark black seats of the inside of the kayaks.