Glass and Transparency

Anna Labbe


FEBRUARY 28, 2019

For this project, I wasn't really quite sure what to do at first, which is becoming a trend in all of my projects! I also have had the whole week of rehearsals going from straight after school to 7:30, so I knew that I would have to find a time then to take the picture. The goal of the project was to take a picture involving glass and / or transparency. I'm realizing now that I don't really have any transparency in this image, but I do have the glass part, if that counts? I'm not quite sure. But, I was putting on stage makeup with my friend Ella Vertenten in the dressing room, and I realized that it was a really cool image while I was watching her put on her makeup through the mirror, so I asked her if I could take a picture! I figured that this image went with the prompt because it does have to do with glass, even though that glass is really a reflection, not transparency. However, it made me think about how people sometimes use make up to cover up their insecurities, making them non-transparent, so in a way, maybe it is an image that has to do with transparency. I decided to make the image selected color because when I looked back on it, it reminded me of an old Hollywood actress putting on her makeup, like Marilyn Monroe, and I thought of black and white movies. However, I wanted to keep the stark red of the lipstick too, so I left the lipstick in color and made the rest black and white!