Episode 116: Understanding smart trust - tools to help you extend trust

Understanding smart trust - tools to help you extend trust- Episode 116

“Extending Trust to others rekindles the inner spirit - both theirs and ours.” The episode today gets into more depth about the idea of Extending Trust but in a smart way. What Stephen M.R. Covey writes in his book The Speed of Trust and calls it Smart Trust. It involves two thing both a high propensity to trust as well as high analysis. I also share what it looks like in all the 4 zones of the different levels of trust and analysis and which one is the most beneficial and actually has the lowest risk. Then I talk of a few tips that Stephen M.R. Covey gives when you have either broken trust or someone has broken trust with you. Trusty people can feel risky but as you use the tools given by this book you can reduce your risk as well as grow your instinct and intuition as well. There are a lot of benefits of learning how to extend Smart Trust.

Show Notes: Hi Friends! I hope you enjoyed listening to this episode. Below are all the references.

Things I learned this week: Smart trust includes both a propensity to trust as well as high analysis.

I also learned about the 4 areas of trust that are mentioned in the book. Below is a picture that is helpful to understand. The best place to be is in quadrant 2 and really what you might think ironic the worst place to be is in quadrant 4 low trust and high analysis. Too much analysis makes it hard to have any synergy or to work with others well.

The other great thing about all of this is that you can work on your propensity to trust and your analysis.

When you are the one that has lost the trust of another person well really you need to work on your 4 cores and the behaviors. But he also warns that you can't really change the way someone thinks of rells about you. What you can do is to try to work on your own character and behaviors and hope that they will see your change.

When someone has lost your trust he has two suggestions - Don't be too quick to judge. And do be quick to forgive. Forgiveness means - “ ... our ability to cleanse ourselves of feelings of anger, vindictiveness, blaming, accusing, or retribution toward anyone who has caused us offense, either intentionally or accidentally. I’m talking about refusing to take on the role of someone else’s judge and jury, and about letting go of things that are out of our control – including other people’s attitudes and behaviors and things that have happened over the past. I’m talking about freeing ourselves physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally from dependent responses to the mistakes, weaknesses and bad choices of others." I really like this. Understanding forgiveness is really more for us than for the other person.

One key component of Smart Trust is Forgiveness. Really being able to forgive others also helps us then be able to trust people more.

Even if you have to rebuild trust with someone it has to potential to become stronger than it was before.

Also the idea of learning to extend trust to others is also so important. To take a risk and also be willing to show trust to others is actually one way to build trust. Trust is reciprocal. The more you trust others the more they trust you.

Think of the story he had of Anna and the flag football and what a difference that made on Anna.

People from history who have extended trust - Anne Sullivan and Helen Keller and Alexander the Great and the physician willing to help care for him.