Episode 59: getting organized for school

Getting organized for school - episode 59

“The basic aim of organization is to know where things are and to be able to retrieve these things with minimal to no fuss. “ My kids are back to school and I wanted to get more organized, hoping this is the year the kids actually hang up their backpacks. The only problem is I don’t like traditional approaches to organization. Thanks to a little HGTV bingeing I found the show Hot Mess House and some new philosophies. The Clutterbug and the PixiesDidIt who share that organization are definitely not one size fits all. It is all about your personality and organizing that fits your lifestyle. Well I can definitely try this. If you have struggled with organization and want to start fresh with this school year listen up and while I share a few things I have learned to tackle this school year.

Show Notes: Hi Friends! I hope you enjoyed listening to this episode. Below are all the references.