Episode 4: The Matilda Project

While listening to the Book Matilda by Roald Dahl with her kids Camille realized she hadn't read any of those books that Matilda read before she even started going to school albeit fiction. Reading David Copperfield was a distant high school memory and staying awake to read A Tale a Two Cities was almost impossible at the end of a busy day. She decided to listen to some of the books on Matilda'st list. In this episode, Camille shares how she went about her "Matilda Project", what she learned and her 3 favorite Charles Dickens books.

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Show Notes:

Matilda by Roald Dahl (link to amazon or find at your local libary)

My 3 favorite Charles Dickens books mentioned in this episode:

A Tale of Two Cities, Little Dorrit and Bleak House.

When I started this project I was checking out audiobooks from the library, mostly CDs then I discovered the Overdrive app that connects to your local library. You most likely can find all these at your local library. If not you can also grab a free trial from audible.

List of all of the books I read by Charles Dickens -

A Tale of Two Cities | David Copperfield | Oliver Twist | Great Expectations| Nicholas Nickleby |Little Dorrit | Bleak House.