Episode 23: Our dog Beanie - Pet stories part 2

our dog beanie - pet stories part 2 - Episode 23

“Maybe it would be good for my girls to have a dog?” After 19 years of married life Camille was finally willing to get a dog. What took her that long? In this episode she shares her thought process and then literal journey as they looked at a few dogs to find one that worked for her family. It took her a willingness to be brave, let go of her fears and admit that maybe she could be wrong and a dog might be good for her kids and family. Learn what surprised her most of all. So come listen to this journey, part two of the pet stories and Beanie the dog.

Show Notes: I hope you enjoyed the story of how we ended up with our dear beloved dog Beanie.

The one website I mentioned for the breeder's site is That Doggy in the Window. Be careful these puppies are super cute.