Episode 29: the belief window - from Hyrum W. Smith's reality model

the belief window - from hyrum w. Smith's reality model - Episode 29

“I am not telling you what you need to have on your belief window I am just telling you that you have one.” Camille has become a little obsessed with this idea of a belief window. In the episode she shares the reality model and that we all have beliefs on our belief window that drives our behaviors. From the a talk she heard by Hyrum W. Smith and then also from his book You Are What You Believe, Camille shares a little bit of both. Are the results in your life meeting your needs? If not, do you need to change a belief or principle on your belief window? Listen and hopefully you can become excited about this idea too.

Show Notes:

Hyrum w. smith talk about self worth and the reality model

Listen to this great talk!! There is no video it is just an audio but it is the only one I could find.

Click on the book image or the above title to find the book on amazon. The audiobook is free with an audible free trial or check you local library for either the book or the audiobook.