Episode 95: 7 habits of highly effective people - part 1 - perceptions, motivations and paradigms

7 habits of highly effecitve people - part 1 - perceptions, motivations, and paradigms Episode 95

“We saw our natural role to affirm, enjoy, and value him.” This summer I am going to be discussing the best selling book, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey. In this first part of the 8 part series I share the beginning of the book, or part I. Mr. Covey’s explanation of the need for understanding paradigms which he can refer to as a map. How we see the world around us. I share his story about his son who was struggling and how ultimately Stephen Covey and his wife had to look more at their motivations and perceptions instead of thinking that something needed to change with their son. It is an explanation of the inside out approach. I share a story of my own and a need to really think of what my motivations are as well. So go check out or buy the book and read along with me this summer as we all learn to really apply these 7 Habits of Highly Effective people

Show Notes: Hi Friends! I hope you enjoyed listening to this episode. Below are all the references.

Things that I learned this week: This is the first part of an 8 part series learning from the book 7 Habits of Highly Effective people. I love this idea of changing from the inside out. There is so much to learn about the way we see life. Our, what Stephen Covey, says is out map inside our heads or the way we see reality. I also really loved learning about the story about Stephen's son and how instead of trying to change their son they decided to work on their perceptions and motivations behind what they thought about their son. The quote at the beginning of the episode description when they said we saw as our job to affirm, enjoy and value him. I also learned about the different between the character ethic and the personality ethic. The other thing I really like was the idea of principle and laws. And this great quote "It is impossible for us to break the law. We can only break ourselves against the law.” That is definitely something to think about. So go get the book or check out the audiobook and join me in my learning and doing more with the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.