Episode 33: Talking about the brain with my kids

Talking about the brain with my kids - episode 33

“What would it be like if we all allowed her to be grumpy?” That thought, spurred a search for ways for Camille to help her family develop a little more compassion for each other. As a first step, she shares a few ideas about the brain from a Jody Moore coaching family home evening lesson. The lesson talks about 3 main functions of the brain. Camille tells about teaching that to her kids and how that knowledge has helped her to have more compassion for her family.

Show Notes:

From Jody Moore Coaching - click on the above link to go directly to the page to purchase the lessons for $19

Articles I referenced as well as some extras.

Psychology Today - Dopamine Dopamine creates reward-seeking loops in the sense that people will repeat pleasurable behavior, from checking Instagram to taking drugs.