Color Design

gradient (top) 

& color checklist (bottom)

holy trinity

acrylic and paint marker on gessoed drawing paper

12"X 9"

Artist's Statement: 

The assignment was to create an image using 84 colors, with 12 colors and 7 tints and shades for each color. I decided to do a piece in the same style as my All the Unseen Saints piece, with 3 women to represent the Primary colors. 

I first gessoed a page of my notebook, and then did several sketches on top, covering them with gesso as I went along and revised them. When I got to the color painting part I used my checklist as a guide to make sure I got all 84 colors (and then some).

At first I thought to just use the stencil of my Saints piece, and recolor it, but then I realized that the primary colors could have much more of an impact if they were emphasized.
Luxemburg Art Prize Statement:  I think that this piece really relates to my way of conveying my spirituality. So many times strong women have held me up in my life, so I think my subconsciousness chose to honor them with this piece. I think that this is my way of rejecting the male-dominated religious world, and going back to my roots, looking to my mother, my grandmother, and rethinking my definition of spirituality

I only realized this afterward, but the rainbow that this piece is also connected to the lack of acknowledgment I feel of the religious community. I think that I wanted to create a piece that was representative of my identity as a spiritual, bisexual woman: one that reclaimed my perspective and accepted that I had a soul that could also be reverent.