Advanced Art and Design

Bench People

Dancing Woman

Reach for the stars

thirsty goose

Creature Comfort

Hungry Like A Wolf

The Fox, the Raven, and The Doe


Final Reflection:

My works shows improvement through increased use of color and texture throughout the year. I was struggling to work with color for a while, since my work is more design based. I was mostly working in black and white. However, though peer critique, and by working on it specifically, I was able to incorporate more color into my works, and made them better. I also started working more with texture, as can be seen in spider silk and hartwood. 

My work shows my strength to use peer critique, by applying the critique given and improving my work, such as over time using more color. For SI 13 I even redid the entire work, to make it better. One of my weaknesses as a learner is that sometimes I want it to be a specific way that I have a vision of, and when I can't get it to go that way I get frustrated. this could be seen with Hartwood, which I wanted at first to be a Klimt like piece with gold leaf and red apples. In the end I decided to simplify, but it was a difficult process to undergo, and I think that I turned out better for it. I learned that unpredictable things happen when you are making art, and that they are a good thing.

One of the most challenging aspects was getting the work done on time. It was a really fast turnover, around a project a week due, along with the google site and slides. This made it difficult to finish projects that took more time, because it was stresful and you would still be working on one project when the next was coming up on being due. I was able to manage it however, even though I changed my SI in the middle of the year. 

I am really proud that I changed my SI. My previous one was getting very depressing very fast, and the one I chose gave me much more opportunities to express what was going on with me rather than just what was going on with the world. I am particularly proud of my Selkies piece, I really like how it turned out. I am proud of the way I wove in pattern, to colors, the direct composition, and the way it feels kind of inverted and off balance.

My artistic goals for the future are to go to art school, and do my best there. I hope that it will give me the foundation that I need to become a professional in the field. I plan to do my utmost and work hard to learn as many things as possible during my time at art shcool, which I think will also be very fun at the same time. It will be a lot of work, but it will be good work, so it will be worth it.