Ceramics 2

Honeycomb Tiles

stillwater pitcher

Monkey Pot


Family vase

Final Reflection:

I definitely feel like my Ceramics II experience was successful. I am really happy with the quality of the work that I did in this class. Ceramics II differed from Ceramics I in that we had more freedom in what forms we chose to create. I definitely think that this freedom contributed to my positive experience. There was still some direction, but in Ceramics II we were really left alone to figure things out for ourselves. 

I think that for me, the hardest thing was controlling how projects dried. I found that it was really hard when we went to the weekend, and left it along over 2 nights. Very often my project would dry out over this time, and I would have to start over. This was really difficult because it would put me behind, and I would have to catch up, which took quite some time.

My favorite project was probably the elements of nature project, because it was the first time I made something that I thought was really unique and cool. It was also lots of fun because it gave me the change to experiment with glazes. I never really done anything like that with slabs before, so it was really fun to so something new and inventive.

My least favorite project was probably the independently designed one. I didn't put as much effort into it, and it showed in the way that it came out. I didn't like that I wasn't really trying that hard, which then translated into a mediocre project.

I really liked how this class was run. It gave us a lot of freedom, while also giving us direction. One thing that I might have done differently would have been the way that the projects sometimes overlapped. I really don't know woe that could be preventable however. One thing that worked for me was the way that we could chose what we made as long as it fit the project criteria.