Beautiful Oops

Woman Wading

9"X 5.5"

colored pencil and india ink

   —ink splatter before material manipulation

The main idea  behind the beautiful oops is to create something beautiful from something that would normally be considered a mistake.

Artist's Statement:

when I saw the ink splatter I saw immediately a woman bending down. I often see female and human forms in splatters and stains, so I think my brain was providing me with what it was used to.
I used colored pencils to create scribbles in the vague form of a woman, trying my best to express without to much detail and figuratively what I thought a woman looked like.
At first I thought about making it like a french realist painting with a woman harvesting, in expressive detail, but in the end I used these vague lines because I thought they fit with the exercise, which was already asking our brains to look at things creatively.