SI #4

Wirebird, 7"X 8", Wire

Artist's Statement:

The idea for this project came from the nazca lines, and the idea of using something 2D to make something 3D. I was inspired by sketches, and wanted to use wire to bring those sketches into 3D. I thought that birds would be a good way to go about it. I like birds because for me they are very representative of thoughts. The sketches that I made I did when I was really tired, and had my eyes closed. 

I chose to use wire because I wanted to make it look sketchy. I wanted to project a sense of scribbling, and denseness mixed with fluid lines. I also chose use wire because it is the material that is used to make bird cages. I wanted to play with that duality, of the cage and the bird being the same. I also thought that wire would be a good 3D translation of graphite. 

My process was to start out with a couple scraps of wire and see where it took me. I knew a bit that I wanted to do a bird, but I wasn't sure how it would turn out yet. So I just started fitting pieces together. You can see the first couple tries did not turn out so great. But eventually I got two pieces into a beak shape, and the rest was just trying to keep that shape.