Photo Edits


leading lines

edited 1

edited 2

edited 3

edits 1

edits 2

edits 3



edited 1

edited 2

edited 3

edits 1

edits 2

edits 3


soft focus

edited 1

edited 2

edited 3

edits 1

edits 2

edits 3

Artist's Statement:

For this project I took 3 photos that I liked and applied to the composition rules, such as leading lines, framed, and soft focus. I then edited them in 3 different ways, showing how it was edited. I chose some photos that I had taken before, because I was not here the day that we went out and took photos.

I chose to do some slightly darker ones, some lighter ones, and some black and white. I wanted to do this because I wanted all the edits to be different. I did mess around with the settings individually for each one, because I wanted them all to look cool.

If I could do it again, I probably would have gone with the class and taken photos around then school. However, I am a bit happy that I chould chose my own photos, because it means that I am not limited to subjects around the school, and I could choose anything. I kind of really liked how the edits turned out, because it made them very dramatic, which I thought ended up to be very cool.Â