Donate Life

Artist's Statement:

For this assignment the goal was to get it done as quickly as possible. For this reason I chose to use an old piece of work that I made, and make a slogan for it. I chose to use my old Art History inspired drawing, because I thought that it was appropriately hopeful and expressed some of the qualities of the competition. 

For materials, I chose to type m slogan, so as to give it a cleaner look. I also chose to highlight the words in a dark color with a thin white boder to make them stand out more. I chose to also make the letters match the color of most of the rest of the painting. 

My process included going through all the work I've ever made, and choosing the best one for the competition. I then made the slogan to match it. For this drawing I chose the slogan 'reach for the stars.' because the girl in the drawing is reaching for the stars, so it seemed appropriate.