Words and Images



I'll bring the rain

Artist's Statement:

For this project we were supposed to overlay words on images. The goal was to have a portrait that then had words overlayed on it to create a kind of multilayer effect. prefereably the words would connect to the subject so that there is some meaning behind it. We were supposed to make at least 3 of these, and one of the images had to be colorized.

For the first one I chose the lyrics to the song Yesterday by the Beatles, which I thought encapsulated the mood of the photo very well. For the second photo, I asked my friend to write his senior quote in his own handwriting, and then overlaid it on a portrait of him that I had taken. The last one is the colorized one, for which I chose a photo I had taken this summer, along with song lyrics that I wrote that summer. I chose to colorize it blue to fit the tone of the lyrics and photo.

One thing that I really liked about this project was how artsy it was. The results turned out really well, and ended up being really pretty. I did struggle some with finding photos that I wanted to use, and connect the words to meanings in the photos.