Film Collages

Artist's Statement:

The project was to create at least 2 collages, which we would then make photograms out of. I chose to make three, because I got on a roll, and was inspired. The first one is defiently my favorite. I really like the flying car, and how that correlates to the spread winds of the person, and the birds. I tried to get a good amount of both darker values and lighter values so that it would still be good in black and white. I also cut the background of the person so that it would look like their wings.

One technique that I tried to use was by balancing out the composition with shapes made out of words. I thought that this was really fun, and gave the collage a more interesting feel. I also like the detail that I added with the legs and the crutch that was extended from the other photo. I myself was on crutches for the beginning of the year, and it left an impact on me. 

One thing that I might have done differently would have been to have a more clear subject, and more clear compostition. Right now it is pretty scattered. I would have liked to have something that made it easier for the eye to catch on the collage.