Shadow & Reflection

Artist's Statement:

For this assignment, we were to photograph shadows and reflections. I chose to use several that I thought exemplars of both of these. However the first was a shot that I quite liked of the bench, which doesn't quite fit into the categories. I also took some photos of horses, which can be seen on the contact sheet, but decided against making prints of them.

I particularly like the photo of myself leaning over the bridge, where I chose to make ripples by spitting over the side. I liked the sort of warped look it gave the reflection, and how the black and white picked up really well on that to make the ripples really distinct. 

One thing that I would have done differently is that I would have sent the email with the scans on it at a larger size, so the the quality would be better on the photos. I have since fixed this, and learned from my mistake, which was that the resolution was very low.