
Dancing Multiplicity

dance party

Self Multiplicity

let me in

Cats Multiplicity

garden cat

Artist's Statement:

For this project we were to make photos with multiple images of a person (or pet) in the same photo. The goal was to have multiple images of a person interacting with themselves, not just to have a person standing next to themself. We were supposed to make 3-5 of these photos. One of them had to be of ourselves.

For this project, I chose to photograph my parents, as a dou, and repeat them 3 times. This is slightly unconventional, because usually it is just one figure. I then chose to do one of myself getting locked outside, and also one of my cat, taken in the early morning when we let them outside for a bit. I tried to make the photos more interesting by having more than just 2 of the same people/person/cat in it. I also edited the photos after the fact to bring out the colors and interesting lighting.

Something that I probably would have done differently is maybe make the photo of my parents dancing more compact, with my parents closer toghether. I also had some trouble with the photo of myself being locked out, because one of the photos had very different lighting, which lead to some problems when I was selecting it out, and some innacuracies that I had to fix.