
Artist's Statement:

For this project, the assignment was to create a surrealist type of scene using photoshop. I chose to do something was surrealist, but could be real at the same time. The peramaters around the assignment were to take 3-5 photos, and create a collage with them in photoshop. At least half of the photos we used needed to be our own.

I chose to use only photos I took, because I thought it would look more natural. I wanted to do something along the lines of tiny gremlins who live in the bookshelves. They ended up being very small indeed, since I don't think that I made the spaces between the books large enough.

One thing that I struggled with was to create the shadows. I had trouble making it look like the people were grounded, and had trouble making them look like they belonged in the space. I'm still not entirely sure if it looks right, but the books also look slightly like they are floating, so I think it helps with the whole look.