Texture and Pattern

Orange Belt

I upped the saturation a bit, and increased the brilliance to give the fabric more definition and color

Drying rack

I made the picture black and white and upped the contrast to make the photo more interesting and not distract with color.

Rainbow Paint

I added some more saturation and upped the contrast to make the colors stand out


I upped the saturation to bring out the green in the photo, and brough the brightness down.


I wanted to not distract from the photo with color, so I brought down the saturation, I also chose to use formal balance


I liked this photo a how it was so I didn't change it too much, I only shifted it around a little to perfect it.


I didn't want to distract from the cool shapes, so I made it black and white, and also upped brilliance and contrast

Storm Drain

I used the technique discussed in class of having one element be different to draw more atterention to that focal point.


I upped the saturation a but so that the nice warm color of the leaves and the sunlight would stand out.


I made it black and white so that the texture would stand out more, and the color wouldn't be distracting

Artist's Statement:

The project was to take 10 photos of textures and patterns. We needed to look at the world and chose several visual textures and pattern to photograph, that we think would translate well into 2D. I chose to use textures and patterns from several different places.

I chose to up the contrast for a lot of the photos, to make the texture stand out more. I also chose to make some photos black and white to not distract from the texture and pattern with color. My favorite is probably the storm drain, because only one of the squares is different, and there are yellow lines that kind of frame it.

One of my favorite parts of this assignment was how I look at patterns and textures differently after it. I notice them a lot more, and think about them more than I used. I did struggle some with getting interesting enough textures, and not having the photo be totally static.