November 2 - 8, 2023


Mass for our Military

We will be celebrating the courageous men and women who have served—and are serving—our country at St. Albert the Great’s Veterans Day Mass at 9:25am on Thursday, Nov. 9th. We invite all veterans and current service men and women to attend our Veteran’s Day Mass, planned by St. Albert the Great Parish School’s 8th Grade.

2023 Catholic Campaign for Human Development 

On November 18-19, our parish will take up a collection for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development. More than 37 million people in the United States live in poverty. This collection supports programs that empower people to identify and address the obstacles they face in bringing permanent and positive change to their communities. In addition, 25% of the donations stay here in the Archdiocese of Louisville to fund anti-poverty programs throughout our 24 counties. Learn more about the Catholic Campaign for Human Development at

First Communion Grandparent Mass 

Our school 2nd graders will host their Grandparents’ Day on Friday, November 10 beginning at 8:30a.m., with Grandparents invited to attend Mass. Please note they will be attending our Friday daily 8:30am Mass.

We will host our First Communion Grandparents’ Day for our PREP students on Sunday, November 5 from 9:00 - 10:15a.m., with Grandparents invited to attend Sunday Mass on November 5. 


Do This in Memory of Me

Thank you for your generous donations! Currently we have raised 63% of our goal. Please consider a making donation to the CSA. Whether responding to human needs, promoting vocations, providing ministry training, evangelizing, or assisting parishes, archdiocesan ministries and services reach beyond the ability of our parish or any other parish to do this work alone. Make sure to list your parish as St. Albert the Great (044) !


Jesus Christ invites us to return to the source and summit of our faith in the celebration of the Eucharist. The National Eucharistic Revival is a movement to restore understanding and devotion to this great mystery by helping us renew our worship of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist.

The International Eucharistic Miracles of the World Exhibit

NOVEMBER 4TH | 4-7pm 

NOVEMBER 5TH | 9am-1pm


The International Eucharistic Miracles of the World Exhibit is a traveling display designed by Blessed Carlo Acutis. It contains an extensive assortment of photographs and historical descriptions of Eucharistic miracles, recognized by the Catholic Church, that have taken place throughout history. 

Learn about this Eucharistic Miracle and many more … 

Buenos Aires 1996

On 18 August 1996 after Mass at the Santa Maria Church, a Communion host was found abandoned. The priest put the host in a bowl of water and placed it in the tabernacle until it dissolved. Within days a blood-like substance issued from the host. It grew in quantity and transformed over the next 10 days. Forensic pathology and DNA testing conducted over 20 years has found the substance to be human heart from a living, traumatically injured human. The Science leads to answers that Jesus is truly present in the Communion host and that He is the author of life.



Our next Baptism will be held on Sunday, December 3rd at noon, with the Parent Preparation class on Thursday, November 30th from 6:30-8:00pm in church. If you are interested in having your child baptized, please contact Sr. Sarah Yungwirth at 425-3940 ext. 109 or

You are invited to join the Louisville Catholic Men for A Night in the Country! Friday November 10th at Joe Recktenwald's Farm.


Loaves & Fishes Thanksgiving Baskets

November 4th-12th

It’s that time of year again. Loaves & Fishes will be collecting food for our annual EACM Thanksgiving Baskets. Food can be dropped off any time through November 12th. We will hopefully collect enough food to make 75-80 baskets. Start shopping now to avoid supply issues at the grocery store! 

Food items Needed:

Instant mashed potatoes, Canned corn, Canned green beans, Canned yams, Canned fruit, Cranberry sauce, Packaged or canned gravy, Boxed stuffing mix, Tea/Lemonade boxed or powder only, Cake mix & frosting, Pie filling & crust

Environmental Concerns Committee

“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth… God saw how good it was.”

Indeed. The earth is not only good, it is essential to all life. It is one of God’s greatest gifts to us. As stewards of the earth, God has called us to protect and preserve this gift. Pope Francis has expressed this need to protect and preserve in his encyclical: Laudato Si: On Care for Our Common Home, and his Laudate Deum. This has become more important than ever before, especially for our children and grandchildren.

If you would like to join in this service of protecting and preserving the earth, now’s the time to act. A new Environmental Concerns Committee is being formed at St. Albert the Great. Please contact Mark Wehrley for more information call or text 741-3216 or call 456-5176, or email

Red Cross Blood Drive

Save the date! 

Sunday, November 19th

8:00am -12:30pm | PLC

You have the power to save a life in your hands! The Social Concerns Team are sponsoring our quarterly Red Cross blood drive on Sunday, Nov. 19th from 8:00am until 12:30pm in the Parish Life Complex.  

For appointments, please call Mary Jo Bird at (502) 552-2093 or email Appointments can also be made directly with the Red Cross at 1-800-RED-CROSS or online at

Donors who register are also encouraged to fill out the “Rapid Pass” online within 24 hours of their donation to expedite the donation process.

St. Vincent de Paul Society

In the Gospel today, we hear the good news that when we keep our focus on God and serve one another, God exalts us! As you place your gift in the Society of St. Vincent de Paul Poor Box, please say a special prayer for the poor who have no one to pray for them.


Markey's Group

The next gathering of Markey’s Group will take place on November, 14th at 11:30am at Longhorn Steakhouse, 9700 Von Allmen Ct., which is located near the intersection of the Gene Snyder Expressway and Brownsboro Rd. (Note: we are meeting one week early and for lunch). Markey’s Group is composed of individuals who have experienced the death of a spouse. We gather monthly for good food and lively conversation. Markey’s Group is not intended to serve as a grief group, but rather is established to provide relaxation and fun. There is no need to make a reservation.

Divorce Care Surviving the Holidays

Attempting to pick up the pieces of one’s life during or after a divorce is challenging and complex.  With the holidays approaching, it can be cause for even more anxiety.  “Survivingthe Holidays” is being offered to help you through this time.

Divorce Care

DivorceCare is a weekly seminar/support group that helps divorced or separated people heal from the hurt. It provides a warm, caring, and confidential environment in which participants can learn practical information and gain hope for the future.


The 22nd annual St. Albert Trivia Night 

Tickets go on sale on Saturday at 9:00am

Tables of 8 | $240 each

Tables will go on sale November 4th at 9am and can be purchased at the St. Albert Store 

Holiday Office Schedule 

The parish office will be closed for Thanksgiving holiday on Thursday November 23rd and Friday November 24th. The daily Mass on Thanksgiving will be at 9:00am. The school office will be closed the week of Thanksgiving November 20-24th.

Holiday Schedule for Weekly Bulletin and Parish Post

It’s hard to believe that the holiday season is just around the corner! With shortened weeks and office closures we have to make special arrangements for the printing and delivery of the bulletin. If you need to include your message in the Weekly Bulletin and Parish Post please make note of the following deadlines:

Announcements for the weekends of: 

November 18-19 & 25-26 must be received by Sunday, November 12.

December 16-17 & 23-25 must be received by Sunday, December 10.

Dec 31-Jan 1 & January 7-8 must be received by Sunday, December 17.

*Email blasts will not be sent for individual announcements that miss the deadlines.


St. Albert the Great School

Teacher's Assistant

St. Albert the Great Parish School is looking for a full time second grade teacher's assistant.  This position follows the school calendar and school hours:  7:30-3:00.  If you are interested, please contact:  Ellen Martin:

Safe Environment Training

The Archdiocese of Louisville is committed to ensuring that children and youth who worship, study or participate in church-sponsored activities can do so in the safest and most secure setting possible. In an effort to fulfill this commitment, all employees or volunteers who have contact with children or youth (18 and under) for ANY length of time are required to participate in one of the 2-hour Safe Environment Training Workshops. No registration is necessary. Sign-in sheets will be available at the workshops.

Upcoming classes:

11/13/23, 6:30 p.m., St. Rita, 8709 Preston Hwy, Casper Center

11/14/23, 6:30 p.m., St. Joseph-Bardstown, 320 W Stephen Foster Avenue, School Cafeteria

11/20/23, 6:30 p.m., St. Albert the Great, 1395 Girard Drive, Parish Life Center

11/27/23, 6:30 p.m., St. Margaret Mary, 7813 Shelbyville Road, Hospitality Room

The Archdiocese is now requiring a refresher course for anyone that has a certificate of completion over five years. To take the online refresher course go to and create a new account. You can access a completion certificate after you finish the training.

Poinsettia Fundraiser 

Please help us send our 8th graders to Washington D.C., Gettysburg, and New York City. 

All proceeds from poinsettia sales go directly to help offset the cost for all students participating in the 2024 class trip. Pre-orders will be taken through November 17. Order online through the button below. The delivery date is set for November 30. More details to come on pick up times.


WEEK ENDING October 29:

Cash & Check: $16,453.07

Online Giving: $8,112.50

Total Rcvd as of October 30th
for FY 2023-24: $569,794.93

Needed Budget as of October 30th
for FY 2023-24: $553,570.38 

Total Over/Under Budget: $16,224.55

Thank you to all who have blessed St. Albert the Great with gifts of treasure! It is through your generosity that our parish is able to meet our financial obligations and continue God's work of supporting and serving our community and those in need.


Please call 425-3940 with any questions about giving.  


Another way you can give to the Parish is through gifts of stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. Please contact for more information about this type of donation.

St. Albert the Great, Pray for Us.