April 2 - May 1, 2024


Eucharistic Adoration

Deacon Mark Preischel will lead a holy hour with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Benediction on Monday, April 29th at 7 p.m. in the church.

This evening of adoration is the 5th segment of a 5 part series on prayer forms conducted by parishioner Debbie Shearn. All are invited to participate in this evening of adoration.

Eucharistic Adoration is a profound and sacred tradition in the Catholic Church where we gather to spend time in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament (consecrated host).  This evening of prayer is a wonderful time to to enter into intimate communion with Jesus Christ, truly present in the Eucharist and adore Him with our hearts, minds and souls.

Adoration is an excellent opportunity to cultivate our prayer life. We can converse with Christ, share our joys, sorrows, hopes and worries with Him, and simply listen to His gentle voice speaking to our hearts.  

Through Eucharistic Adoration, we open ourselves to receive abundant blessings and graces from our Lord.  He longs to pour His grace upon us, helping us to grow in holiness and draw closer to him. 

Holy Hour for Vocations

All are invited to pray for more vocations to the priesthood and religious life by attending a Holy Hour for Vocations on Wednesday, May 8th at 1:15 p.m.

Prayers and the rosary will be lead by St. Albert the Great students as well as members of the Serra Club which is an organization dedicated to promoting and fostering religious vocations.

Mass Schedules

Thursday, May 2nd, 9:30AM

Will be a Crowning of Mary Prayer Service and not a school Mass. 

Saturday, May 5th, 4:00PM

The Saturday evening Mass will be held at 4pm due to the Kentucky Derby.

Thursday, May 23Rd, 8:30AM

The Thursday daily Mass time will return to 8:30am. 

Friday, May 24th, 9:30AM

The school closing Mass will be held at 9:30am with students attending. There will not be an 8:30am Mass.

Crowning of Mary

Throughout history, Catholics have long honored the Blessed Virgin Mary during the month of May to symbolize Her significance in the Church and in our lives.  In honor of the Blessed Virgin, Saint Albert the Great Catholic School  will celebrate Mary with a "May Crowning" on Thursday, May 2nd at 9:30AM.  Each class will participate in the procession, the second graders will recite a special poem, and we will crown a statue of the Blessed Virgin  with a garland or crown of flowers honoring Her as “the Queen of May." Please join us for this beautiful tradition as we honor our Blessed Mother, and our earthly mothers, on this special day!

Mother's Day Mass Intentions!

If you would like to offer up in prayer an intention at the Mother's Day weekend Masses this year, envelopes are due by Sunday, May 5th.



Our next Baptisms will be held on Sunday, May 12th at 8:00am Mass, with the Parent Preparation class on May 1st from 6:30-8:00pm in church. If you are interested in having your child baptized, please contact Sr. Sarah Yungwirth at 425-3940 ext. 109 or

Vacation Bible School 

SAVE THE DATE! Vacation Bible School will be held June 25th-June 28th from 9:00am-12:00pm. VBS is open to all children in the parish age 4 years old to children who will be entering the 5th grade.

Love Children? Want to help Children Grow in their Friendship With God? Need Service Hours?Volunteers are needed to help with Vacation Bible School!  Our Scuba VBS is going to be a lot of fun- an underwater adventure with Jesus!  We need people to help lead stations, take care of snack, be group leaders and other great things along the way!  Students entering 7th grade- Adults are needed to help make Scuba VBS as awesome as it can be! Contact St. Sarah at or call 502-425-3940, ext. 109. 


Loaves & Fishes

May 4th & 5th

Next month's collection will benefit St. Vincent de Paul. They are in particular need of personal care items — soap, deodorant, toothpaste and feminine care products. (items which cannot be purchased with SNAP assistance) Food items in greatest need are peanut butter, tuna fish, hearty soups & stews, and canned fruit. 

Little Way Mother’s Day Card Sale 

MAY 11th & 12th

In honor of Mother’s Day, we will be hosting an event to support the work of Little Way Pregnancy Center. Archbishop Shelton will offer a mass to honor mothers, both living and deceased. Enrollment and Mother’s Day cards will be available in the back of church on May 11th & 12th. The card will share the details of your gift.

Or for online donations and Mass enrollment visit

St. Vincent dePaul

In the Gospel today, Jesus says “Whoever remains in me and I in him will bear much fruit, because without me you can do nothing.”  Indeed, by helping the poor we can “bear much fruit” and we find that with Jesus we can do everything. 

Your gift to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul will show that you are indeed the disciple of Jesus as it will bring your love to those who live in fear and doubt, loneliness and dread. 


Ministry for the Chronically Ill and their Caregivers 

Are you or someone you love chronically ill and in need of spiritual support? Are you a caregiver for someone chronically ill and wish to feel God’s increased presence?

The Maranatha Retreat is a day-long event that uses the teachings of St. Ignatius to reignite the sense of purpose and renewed hope for the ill and those who care for them.

The retreat is offered to 10 individuals living with chronic illnesses and 10 individuals who serve as caregivers. It will be held May 11, 2024, at the Flaget Center, 1935 Lewiston Drive, Louisville, KY 40216, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Attendance is free, but preregistration is required.

For more information or to register, contact Denise Bouchard in the Family and Life Ministries Office at (502) 636-0296 or by email at


PPC Nominations

It is a great pleasure to announce that it is time to begin the process of identifying new members for the Parish Pastoral Council (PPC). In consultation with the Pastor, the PPC actively listens to and identifies the needs and concerns of the parishioners and develops a parish pastoral plan to respond to these needs working closely with the parish staff. The Council also seeks to implement the plan by seeking the involvement of parishioners.

Potential parishioners should possess the following qualities:

What we are asking of you is the following:

Candidates should be an active member of the parish at least 18 years of age. Nominees will learn about the role of the Parish Pastoral Council through a consultation with the current PPC Chair. All nominees will be asked to reflect and pray on this information and discern whether or not they feel called to the ministry of service and leadership. New members will be identified on May 19th, at 10:30am Mass, Pentecost Sunday. Names are drawn from the list of nominees.

To nominate yourself or a fellow parishioner contact Michelle Miller at subject line: PPC Nominations.


Stewardship Renewal

Stewardship is living a life of gratitude, taking the time every day to recognize the gifts that God has given and to be grateful for them. Stewardship is returning a portion of our gifts to God. The gifts we return are our time, our talent and our treasure. We return these gifts not because it is required, but because we feel an overwhelming need to show our love and gratitude to God, and to support each other on our journey to heaven. 

Thank you in advance for your continued support of our parish. It takes all of us —pastor, deacons, laity, members, and children— to live out our Parish Mission to “Know, Love and Serve God and One Another.” Your prayer, participation, and generosity to our community is a blessing!

Stewardship forms are in the mail. Please return your form to the parish office, or email it to, before June 1, 2024.


Join Our Team!

We’ve all had teachers who impacted our education in one way or another. They inspired us to learn more, be creative and do our best. We are looking for a GREAT teacher to join our team and share their enthusiasm for learning with our students! 

St. Albert the Great is seeking a seventh/eighth grade science teacher for the 2024-2025 school year.  

We are looking for a team player that is willing to collaborate with other junior high teachers.  Please send resume to Ellen Martin:


University of Notre Dame Band Concert

The University of Notre Dame band is performing a free concert at St. Xavier High School on May 11th, at 4:00pm. Free. All are welcome! 



Cash & Check: $5,405.50

Online Giving: $19,194.01

Total Rcvd as of April 22nd for FY 2023-24: $1,331,886.59

Needed Budget as of  April 22nd for FY 2023-24: $1,322,418.13

Total Over/Under Budget: $9,468.46

Thank you to all who have blessed St. Albert the Great with gifts of treasure! It is through your generosity that our parish is able to meet our financial obligations and continue God's work of supporting and serving our community and those in need.


Please call 425-3940 with any questions about giving.  


Another way you can give to the Parish this Christmas is through gifts of stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. For more information about this type of donation please contact Larry Brunner at the parish office (

St. Albert the Great, Pray for Us.