November 30 - December 6, 2023


Sacred Silence

Starting with the season of Advent, we will be having a time of silence after communion. This will start after the last person has received communion. The General Instructions on the Roman Missal state that people may remain standing at communion until the last person has received. At that time, people may kneel or be seated. 

We are given this time of silence for private prayer, praise and thanks to God in our hearts. Having just received Jesus, we are in awe that the eternal Son should become one of us to save us and share himself with us in this most intimate of ways. “When you have received Holy Communion, close your bodily eyes so that you may open the eyes of your soul. Then look upon Jesus in the center of your heart.” (St. Teresa of Avila)

To facilitate this time of silence, please plan to be seated when the Communion Ministers walk over to the Purification table.

Christmas Mass Intentions

If you would like to offer up in prayer an intention at the Christmas Masses this year, envelopes are due by Sunday, December 10th.

Advent Schedule

"Watch, therefore; you do not know when the lord of the house is coming, whether in the evening, or at midnight, or at cockcrow, or in the morning. May he not come suddenly and find you sleeping. What I say to you, I say to all: ‘Watch!’”  Mk 13:35-37
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Eucharistic Adoration:

Eucharistic Adoration takes place every Wednesday from 1p.m.- 4 p.m. in the church.

Things to do during Adoration: sit quietly and just be in the presence of God, pray the rosary, meditate using Holy Scripture, read some Advent reflections.

Family Friendly Adoration - Saturday, December 9th at 9:30 a.m.

Families and individuals of all ages are welcome! This holy hour will take place in the church and will include the rosary, prayers and time for reflection. We will have donuts, juice and coffee immediately following.


“Part of waiting for the Lord’s coming includes being ready. Sin and injustice weaken our readiness. They rob us of joy. Advent seeks to restore this joy by our acts of repentance. Part of our preparation is the honest acknowledgment of all that is unloving, unfaithful, and unjust in our lives.” (Companion to the Calendar, LTP publ.)

Saturday, December 9th, 3:45 – 4:45 p.m.

Thursday, December 14th, 6:30p.m.

Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary - Friday, December 8th

Masses will be at 8:30 a.m. and 7 p.m. (Holy Day of Obligation)

School Children will go to Mass at 9:45 a.m.

Gaudete Sunday – December 17th

The third Sunday of Advent is known as Gaudete, or “rejoicing” Sunday. It is called this because of the first Latin word of the entrance antiphon (a sentence or two most often from the scriptures that can be sung at the beginning of Mass). The antiphon for the third Sunday of Advent is Philippians 4:4-3 “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I say, rejoice. Indeed the Lord is near.” The altars may be decorated with flowers and the priest may wear rose colored vestments instead of purple. We also light the rose colored candle in the Advent wreath signifying the anticipated joy of the birth of Christ.

4th Sunday of Advent – December 23rd & 24th

The fourth Sunday of Advent falls on Christmas Eve this year. 

The Mass schedule will be as follows:

Saturday, December 23rd, 5:00pm

Sunday, December 24th, 10:30am

* there will be NO 8:00am Mass on Sunday morning

Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Friday, December 8th

Patronal Feast Day of the United States of America

Masses will be at 8:30 a.m. and 7 p.m. (Holy Day of Obligation)

School Children will go to Mass at 9:45 a.m.

The dogma that Mary was kept free from original sin from the first moment of her conception was officially declared by Pope Pius IX in 1854. It had been celebrated in the Eastern Church as early as the eighth century and then spread to the West. The Immaculate Conception is a singular grace, given to Mary to enable her to say “yes” to God. No stain of original sin touches her who is to become the Ark of the Covenant, the Temple in which God comes to dwell. We look to Mary for an example of the life of discipleship, open to God’s word and obedient to God’s will.

Family Friendly Adoration

Saturday, December 9th at 9:30 a.m.

Families and individuals of all ages are welcome! This holy hour will take place in the church and will include the rosary, prayers and time for reflection. We will have donuts, juice and coffee immediately following.

Blessing of the Child in the Womb

The Catholic Church has a Rite of Blessing for unborn children. This rite serves to publicly affirm the precious gift of human life and to embrace parents and families as they prepare to welcome the birth of a child. Fr. Dave will conduct the Rite for the Blessing of a Child in the Womb in the Adoration Chapel right after all the Masses on December 9th & 10th. All expectant mothers and their families are encouraged to participate. For more information please contact Laura Sullivan at

Bambinelli Sunday

St. John Paul II began a tradition early on in his papacy where he invited the children of Rome to bring their little statue of the baby Jesus that would be placed in their Nativity set at home. John Paul II blessed the figurines of those present and told them to pray before their manger scene with their family at home in a spirit of prayer. Children can also wrap their Bambinelli in paper, place it under their Christmas tree, and open it as the first gift on Christmas morning. All children and teens are invited to bring their baby Jesus to Mass on December 9th & 10th for this special blessing and tradition.

Christmas Mass Schedule

"And the Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us, and we saw his glory, the glory as of the Father’s only Son, full of grace and truth."  Jn 1:14

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Sunday, December 24th 

5 p.m. with children’s choir and handbells – music begins at 4:30 p.m.

8 p.m. with flute and violin

Midnight Mass 

with adult choir and string quartet – music begins at 11:30 p.m.

Monday, December 25th 

10 a.m. with flute and violin.

Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God

January 1st is not a Holy Day of Obligation this year

Epiphany Masses

Saturday, January 6th, 5 p.m.

Sunday, January 7th, 8 a.m. & 10:30 a.m.


Holiday Office Schedule 

Advent is a busy time, with staff working extra hours to prepare for the celebration of The Nativity of the Lord. The parish office will be closed for the Christmas holiday beginning Monday, December 25th through Monday, January 1st so parish staff can spend time with their families. Call 425-3940 ext. 106 for sacramental emergencies.

St. Albert the Great School and school office will be closed Monday, December 19th through Tuesday, January 2nd.

Holiday Schedule for Weekly Bulletin and Parish Post

It’s hard to believe that the holiday season is just around the corner! With shortened weeks and office closures we have to make special arrangements for the printing and delivery of the bulletin. If you need to include your message in the Weekly Bulletin and Parish Post please make note of the following deadlines:

Announcements for the weekends of: 

December 16-17 & 23-25 must be received by Sunday, December 10.

Dec 30-Jan 1 & January 6-7 must be received by Sunday, December 17.

*Email blasts will not be sent for individual announcements that miss the deadlines.


Do This in Memory of Me

Thank you for your generous donations! Currently we have raised $106,699 or 78% towards our goal through the support of 200 households. Please consider a making donation to the CSA. Whether responding to human needs, promoting vocations, providing ministry training, evangelizing, or assisting parishes, archdiocesan ministries and services reach beyond the ability of our parish or any other parish to do this work alone. Make sure to list your parish as St. Albert the Great (044) !



Our next Baptism will be held on Sunday, January 21st at 10:30am Mass, with the Parent Preparation class on Thursday, January 18th from 6:30-8:00pm in church. If you are interested in having your child baptized, please contact Sr. Sarah Yungwirth at 425-3940 ext. 109 or

Children's Ministy

PREP will NOT meet for class on Sunday, December 24th and Sunday, December 31st.
There will be NO Children's Liturgy on Sunday, December 24th and Sunday, December 31st.


The Christmas Giving Tree

Thank you to everyone who has taken ornaments from our Christmas Giving Trees. All gifts must be returned by NOON on Sunday, December 3rd. Please securely attach the ornament tag to the gift and follow the directions on the back of the ornament. There are also a few items remaining on the Giving Tree Amazon wish list. Please complete all shopping on the wish list by December 3.

The St. Albert Giving Tree Wish List can be found at:

SORTING ASSISTANCE: The Social Concerns committee could use your assistance in helping sort the gifts returned for the Giving Tree. Sorting will occur following the 10:30am Mass on Sunday 12/3. To sign up to help with sorting, please use the Sign Up Genius or text Linda Blackman at 502-974-5371 with your name and the date you can assist. Thank you for your generosity. If you have any questions, please contact Linda Blackman at or 502-974-5371.

The Environmental Concerns Committee 

Hi! I’m Environmental Ernie, the newest member of the St. Albert Environmental Concerns Committee. I’m here to help you help the earth. As you know, the earth is one of God’s greatest gifts. He has entrusted its care to us. I’m here to provide information, thoughts, suggestions, facts, activities, ideas, and other things that you can use, do, and think about to help the environment. I hope you will not only find my brief notes informative, but also helpful in your efforts to protect the environment. 

We will be collecting old and/or broken Christmas light strings on the weekends of December 9th /10th and 16th /17th . We will also collect them on the weekends of January 6th /7th and 13th /14th. No need to remove the bulbs. Just look for the marked boxes in the entry way to church. We’ll take it from there and ensure that those old lights get recycled. Thanks! 


Pastoral Care Seasonal Flower Ministry

Weekend of December 2nd & 3rd

Let our parishioners know you care by bringing a flower to one of our ill, homebound or bereaved. Just choose a flower with name and card attached provided by your Pastoral Care Team and deliver. It’s that easy!

Thanks for spreading the love!

Markey's Group

The next gathering of Markey’s Group will take place on Tuesday, December, 12th at 11:30am at Selena's at Willow Lake Tavern, 10609 La Grange Rd. (Note: we are meeting for lunch) Markey’s Group is composed of individuals who have experienced the death of a spouse. We gather monthly for good food and lively conversation. There is no need to make a reservation.


Men's Fellowship

Looking for brotherhood and a strong sense of community? The St. Albert Men's Fellowship is just for you! The idea for the fellowship came about in 2022, when several parishioners began to get together informally to share ideas, opportunities and to sharpen one another in different ways. Over the year, the group has grown, and we're excited to formalize our gatherings at St. Albert, inviting all our parish brothers to come meet other like-minded men interested in forming strong friendships, deepening their faith, and participating in service. "As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another." Proverbs 17:17 

Join the Fellowship on Thursday, November 30th at 7:30pm in the Cafeteria for pizza, drinks, and some NFL (Seahawks vs. Cowboys) on the TV! The group will be providing an update on initial plans & brainstorming ideas to get involved in parish life. 

St. Al's Aces Christmas Luncheon

Friday, December 8th   |  10:45-1:30pm
Big Spring Country Club

Seasons Eatings! Come to eat, drink and be merry with us at our annual Christmas Luncheon. The magic of Christmas never ends when you’re in the company of your beloved friends.

Santa’s Elves have been busy and Santa is checking his list to make sure you mail back your reservations before December 4 to:  Pat 0’Bryant, 8610 Glenfield Way, Louisville, KY 40241.  In the spirit of the season, we’ll accept the usual late reservations. 

IF YOU NEED A RIDE TO THE EVENT, PLEASE CONTACT ROBERT ENGLERT AT 641-2036.  We want everyone to come and share fun and fellowship, good food, cash bar, SWEET HARMONY SINGERS, drawings and lots of presents.


Sunday, December 10th   |  11:30am
Come Catch Pancakes with Chris Cakes!

Sprouts will host brunch with St. Nicholas on Sunday, December 10th following 10:30am Mass in Visitation Hall! RSVP at 

Bring a bag of individially wrapped candy to include with cards we will make for Little Sisters of the Poor.

Sprouts Ministry is dedicated to “Growing Disciples” by connecting families with young children Preschool through age 7 through dynamic and fun-filled activities.

GAP Volleyball

Our Friday Night Adult Volleyball League has started. We have 12 teams again this year that will play every Friday Night through February. Games start at 6:00pm and go to 10:30pm. Come watch some good, competitive volleyball, have a drink and socialize with your fellow parish and school families.


WEEK ENDING November 26:

Cash & Check: $8,288.79

Online Giving: $6,831.00

Total Rcvd as of November 27th
for FY 2023-24: $678,263.33

Needed Budget as of November 27th
for FY 2023-24: $676,586.02

Total Over/Under Budget: $1,677.31

Thank you to all who have blessed St. Albert the Great with gifts of treasure! It is through your generosity that our parish is able to meet our financial obligations and continue God's work of supporting and serving our community and those in need.


Please call 425-3940 with any questions about giving.  


Another way you can give to the Parish is through gifts of stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. Please contact for more information about this type of donation.

St. Albert the Great, Pray for Us.