May 26- June 1, 2022

Gracious God, On this Memorial Day, we pray for those who courageously laid down their lives for the cause of freedom. May the examples of their sacrifice inspire in us the selfless love of Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. 



St. Albert COVID Guidelines 

The Archdiocese is adopting a mask optional approach to parish liturgies and programming. If you or anyone in your household is running a fever or not feeling well, please remain home and seek medical evaluation before returning to campus. St. Albert will continue to offer a Livestream Mass on Saturdays at 5:00pm or anytime after; available to view at

If you have any questions regarding the Coronavirus and best practices please visit

Again, thank you for helping keep our community safe! May God Bless St. Albert the Great!


Special Collections

World Missions Collection will be June 4-5.

Next weekend, our parish will take up donations for the Mission Collection, which supports the Catholic Home Missions and international missionary agencies, such as the Propagation of the Faith. Your donations help the Church’s missionary work, providing monetary assistance for the pastoral and evangelizing programs of the Church in the United States, Africa, Asia, the Pacific islands, and remote regions of Latin America. Donations fund the education and support of seminarians, religious novices, and lay catechists; the work of religious communities in education, health care, and social services; communication and transportation needs; disaster and emergency relief when necessary; and the Church’s ministry to children. 

Father’s Day Mass Intentions

If you would like to offer up in prayer an intention at the Father’s Day Masses this year, envelopes are due by Sunday, June 12.

50th Anniversary Celebration

Fr. Wayne Jenkins will celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Ordination to Priesthood with a Mass of Thanksgiving at 2:00 PM on Sunday, June 5, 2022 at Holy Trinity Church, 501 Cherrywood Road, Louisville, KY 40207. A small reception to follow. Congratulations Fr. Wayne!

Now is the perfect time to catch up on your tithing contributions for the 2021-2022 Fiscal Year. If you have any questions about where you stand for this year's tithing please contact the parish office. Thank you!



Cash & Check: $14,038.04

Online Giving: $24,896.00

Total Rcvd as of May 22nd for FY 2021-22: $1,397,454.87

Needed Budget as of May 22nd for FY 2021-22: $1,404,576.67

Total Over/Under Budget: (7,121.80)

Thank you to all who have blessed St. Albert the Great with gifts of treasure! It is through your generosity that our parish is able to meet our financial obligations and continue God's work of supporting and serving our community and those in need.

Stewardship Renewal

Our Stewardship Renewal forms have been mailed to all parishioners! The form can be mailed to the parish office using the included envelope. In addition, we will also once again offer an online renewal for your convenience. You can find the links to Online Giving and Online Stewardship at

Please complete your 2022-2023 Stewardship Renewal form By June 1st.

We thank you for your commitment to our beloved Parish Community!

~The Stewardship Committee


Please call 425-3940 with any questions about giving.  


Men of Christ Bootcamp

Wednesday Mornings, 6:00-7:00am at St. Bernadette

All men are encouraged to join the Weekly Wednesday Bootcamp for Men, from 6am to 7am, at the St. Bernadette Soubirous Room in the St Bernadette Parish Center.

The meeting's goal is to help men grow in Catholic Christian Leadership in our family, careers, and community lives.We begin and end our meeting in prayer. Leadership skills and techniques are discussed to help us reach our potential as fathers, husbands, listeners, and communicators.Discussion centers on Christ in our lives, along with the challenges and successes we encounter in living out His Gospel message.

For more information, you may contact St. Albert the Great parishioner Ken Elmer at 502 475 2799 or; or, St. Bernadette parishioner Gary Montgomery at 502 423 9724 or


Does your child need the Sacrament of Baptism?  Our next Baptism Service is scheduled for June 12 during the  10:30 am Mass , with Parent Preparation Class on Tuesday, June 6 at 6:30 pm. Contact Cindy McKinley, Director of Children’s   Ministry


VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR SPROUTS MINISTRY! What Do We Do?  We provide several opportunities for parents and children to enjoy quality family time through parent-child activities, Godly play, community service and annual social events for young children in preschool-1st grade. Contact Cindy McKinley, Director of Children’s Formation,


Loaves & Fishes 

Thanks to all who gave last month. It was such a wonderful gift to St Ignatius. As you can imagine they were very grateful for the 2 vans full of food! Our next collection will be June 5. The collection will go to the Schuhmann Center. They always need food items. When buying can goods pull tops are the most helpful for their clients. They  can also use these personal items as well: Deodorant,  bar soap,  Razors & shaving cream, shampoo, and feminine hygiene products.   

As always thanks for your generosity to those who are in such great need. We show every month that we "ARE GREAT.”



It is a great pleasure to announce that it is time to begin the process of identifying new members for the Parish Pastoral Council (PPC). In consultation with the Pastor, the PPC actively listens to and identifies the needs and concerns of the parishioners and develops a parish pastoral plan to respond to these needs working closely with the parish staff. The Council also seeks to implement the plan by seeking the involvement of parishioners.

We are in need of 4 parishioners to represent the following ministries:


Youth Ministry

Lifelong Education – Adult Formation

Athletic Ministry

Potential parishioners should possess the following qualities:

A desire for spiritual growth in themselves and 

the Parish

An enthusiasm about the future direction of the Parish

A willingness to listen, to speak honestly and to work toward consensus

The ability to inspire and empower others to delegate

Flexibility and openness with people and ideas

What we are asking of you is the following:

• Consider if you have the above qualities, and if so, prayerfully consider nominating yourself

• Consider others within the Parish that you feel exhibit the above qualities and nominate them (with their approval)


Nomination identification is open until the last information session has been completed; expected to be May 29, 2022

Nomination Sessions

May 22, 2022 & May 29, 2022

9:30AM - 10AM

At these sessions all nominees will learn about the role of the Parish Pastoral Council. After these sessions, all nominees will be asked to reflect and pray on this information and discern whether or not they feel called to the ministry of service and leadership.

Nomination Announcements

New members will be identified on June 5, 2022 at 10:30 Mass, Pentecost Sunday. The new pastoral council members will be blessed by the community on June 12, 2022

Nominations can be sent to, subject line PPC Nomination, or can be brought to the Parish office.


Parish Picnic

Friday, June 17th and Saturday, June 18th 

(Family Night on Thursday)

5:00-11:00p.m. Thursday 6:00pm

Split the Pot Raffle!  



Grand Prize: $35,000.00

2nd Prize: Up to $10,000.00

3rd Prize: Up to $4,000.00

Tickets can be purchased online at “Split the Pot Raffle Tickets”. Or at the parish office or call Steve Minsterketter at 592-4237.

Looking for Booth Sponsors!

If you are looking for a way to support our parish & help make the summer picnic a continued success, perhaps sponsoring one of the many fun booths is a way you can contribute. Your family or business can make a tax deductible donation, and at the same time support OUR parish.  You decide what level of sponsorship works for you…

•$150.00 Patron Level – Your family/business name will be displayed on one of the picnic booths for all to see!

•$300.00 Silver Level – Your family/business name and logo will be prominently displayed on an individual banner along the Hole in One golf course as well as advertised on a banner by the beer booth/stage!  

•$500.00 Special Event Sponsor – Your family/business can sponsor one of our Special Events (the Band, the Bouncers, Gambling Tent, Golf Cart Transports, etc.) each displaying a customized banner!

Forms can be found in the bulletin and the back of church. Contact Eryn Wicinski at 502-905-2494 or email Mail form to the parish office at 1395 Girard Drive, 40222 attn: Summer Picnic Booth Sponsorship. Deadline is Sunday, May 29th.

Donate a cake or dessert!

Order forms to donate a cake from Plehn’s or Kroger can be found in the bulletin or at the back of church or you can order one online on the St Albert website. And we accept and need homemade desserts too! Drop off items on Friday and Saturday morning.

Donate a stuffed jar!

The Stuffed Jar Booth is one of our most popular games. To make it a success we rely on donations for the prizes. This is a fun way to get your family involved in the picnic. Here’s what you can do!  

•Fill a jar with treats and prizes- candy, stickers, puzzles, hair ties, sweatbands, art supplies, sports cards, glow sticks, Legos and small toys. Adult prizes too, like tea bags, nail polish, golf tees, retro candy and stationary items.

Grab a jar or leave a jar in the back of church by June 16th. Be creative!

Help with Booth Set Up & Tear Down?

The picnic is back, WOOHOO!!!  But it still requires volunteers to set up and tear down, as we have no magic fairies or wands. Please sign up to help, we’ll have fun doing it as always. It’s a great way to see old friends and meet new ones! 

Sign up at 


Enjoy the Summer!

School is out! We hope you all have a safe and fun summer! Thank you to our amazing faculty and staff for their dedication and compassion to our students. And to our incredible parent volunteers who worked hard to make this a fun and successful school year. So now it is time to relax and be kids! May God Bless your families this summer and we look forward to seeing everyone again in the fall! St. Albert the Great: Pray for us!


Playground Update

Construction is wrapping up on the St. Albert Island! Please avoid the rubber surface until it is ready for little feet to run and play!

The poured-in rubber surface will be installed this weekend. While it cures please observe the construction fencing and stay off the rubber surface. The grand opening will be the first full week of June!