November 24 - November 30, 2022

Happy Thanksgiving



The Parish office will be closed for the Thanksgiving Holiday on Thursday, November 24th and Friday, November 25th.

Advent & Christmas Concert

St. Albert is having an Advent/Christmas Concert Sunday, December 4th at 3 p.m. in the church. Music is provided by the St. Albert the Great Children and Adult Choirs and the Louisville Panpipes Flute Choir. (flutes, alto and bass flutes and piccolo)

Come celebrate the season listening to heavenly music and song! 

Advent Schedule

Advent has a two-fold character, for it is a time of preparation for the Solemnities of Christmas, in which the First Coming of the Son of God to humanity is remembered, and likewise a time when, by remembrance of this, minds and hearts are led to look forward to Christ’s Second Coming at the end of time. For these two reasons Advent is a period of devout and expectant delight” (Universal Norms for the Liturgical Year)

Click Here to See the Schedule

Eucharistic Adoration:

Eucharistic Adoration takes place every Wednesday from noon-5 p.m. in the church.

Come spend some quiet time before our Lord to grow closer to him.

Things to do during Adoration: sit quietly and just be in the presence of God, pray the rosary, meditate using Holy Scripture, read some Advent reflections


“Part of waiting for the Lord’s coming includes being ready. Sin and injustice weaken our readiness.

They rob us of joy. Advent seeks to restore this joy by our acts of repentance. Part of our preparation is the honest acknowledgement of all that is unloving, unfaithful, and unjust in our lives.” (Companion to the Calendar, LTP publ.)

Saturday, December 3rd 3:45 – 4:45p.m.

Saturday, December 10th 3:45 – 4:45p.m.

Thursday, December 15th 6:30p.m.

Advent/Christmas Concert Sunday, December 4th at 3 p.m. in the church.

Music provided by the St. Albert the Great Children and Adult Choirs and the Louisville Panpipes Flute Choir (flutes, alto and bass flutes and piccolo)

Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary - Thursday, December 8th

Masses will be at 8:30 a.m. and 7 p.m. (holy day of obligation) School Children will go to Mass at 9:45 a.m.

Blessing of the Child in the Womb

The Catholic Church has a Rite of Blessing for unborn children. This rite serves to publicly affirm the precious gift of human life and to embrace parents and families as they prepare to welcome the birth of a child. Fr. Dave will conduct the Rite for the Blessing of a Child in the Womb in the Adoration Chapel right after all the Masses on December 10th & 11th. All expectant mothers and their families are encouraged to participate.

Gaudete Sunday – December 11th

The third Sunday of Advent is known as Gaudete, or “rejoicing” Sunday. It is called this because of the first Latin word of the entrance antiphon (a sentence or two most often from the scriptures that can be sung at the beginning of Mass). The antiphon for the third Sunday of Advent is Philippians 4:4-3 “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I say, rejoice. Indeed the Lord is near.” The altars may be decorated with flowers and the priest may wear rose colored vestments instead of purple. We also light the rose colored candle in the Advent wreath signifying the anticipated joy of the birth of Christ.

Christmas Schedule

“The mystery of God becoming flesh in the life of Christ Jesus strikes the heart of Christian believers. So rich is this mystery of the Christian faith that Catholics take several weeks and multiple celebrations to ritually unfold this expression of God’s love.” (Companion to the Calendar, LTP publ)

Click Here to See Schedule

December 24th 

5 p.m. with children’s choir and handbells – music starts at 4:30 p.m.

8 p.m. with flute and violin

Midnight Mass 

with adult choir and string quartet – music starts at 11:30 p.m. 

December 25th 

10 a.m. with flute and violin. We are not doing seating reservations this year.

Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God

December 31 st 5 p.m.

January 1st 8a.m. & 10:30 a.m.

Epiphany Masses

January 7th 5 p.m.

January 8th 8 a.m. & 10:30 a.m.

If you would like to offer up in prayer an intention at  the Christmas Masses this year, envelopes are due by Sunday, December 11th.

Holiday Schedule for Weekly Bulletin and Parish Post

It’s hard to believe that the holiday season is just around the corner! With shortened weeks and office closures we have to make special arrangements for the printing and delivery of the bulletin. If you need to include your message in the Weekly Bulletin and Parish Post please make note of the following deadlines:

Announcements for the weekends of: 

December 16-17 & 24-25 must be received by Sunday, December 11.

Dec 31-Jan 1 & January 7-8 must be received by Sunday, December 18.

*Email blasts will not be sent for individual announcements that miss the deadlines.


Catholic Service Appeal


Our Parish Goal: $134,600

Each year we are invited to participate in the annual Catholic Services Appeal, which is an opportunity for each of us to support our brothers and sisters in Christ. Your prayers and generous support of the Appeal are continuing to make a difference in the Archdiocese of Louisville and right here in our parish. The fund supports more than 100 ministries, services, and programs offered by the Archdiocese. For information on the work of the Archdiocese of Louisville, or to donate online visit

A gift to the Catholic Services Appeal is a wonderful way to share our blessings with others and demonstrate our gratitude to God for all He has given!

RECEIVED AS OF November 20:

Cash & Check: not available

Online Giving: not available

Total Rcvd as of November 21st for FY 2022-23: $

Needed Budget as of November 21st for FY 2022-23: $

Total Over/Under Budget: ($)

Thank you to all who have blessed St. Albert the Great with gifts of treasure! It is through your generosity that our parish is able to meet our financial obligations and continue God's work of supporting and serving our community and those in need.


Please call 425-3940 with any questions about giving.  

Now is the perfect time to catch up on your tithing contributions for the 2021-2022 Fiscal Year. If you have any questions about where you stand for this year's tithing please contact the parish office. Thank you!



Our next scheduled Baptisms are December 11 during the 10:30 am Mass, and January 22 at Noon.  If your child needs to be baptized, please contact Cindy McKinley


PREP will NOT meet this Sunday, November 27th!  Enjoy your Thanksgiving Holiday with your families!  We will resume classes on December 4th. PREP 6-7th Grade Class is hosting a Baby Shower for Mary and St. Joseph on December 11th during PREP collecting baby item donations for The Little Way Pregnancy Resource Center! All of our families are invited to participate!

Sprouts Ministry 

Sprouts will host Breakfast with St. Nicholas on December 4th beginning at 11:30 am in Visitation Hall!  Register with the sign up genius link on the flyer!  

Sprouts Ministry is dedicated to “Growing Disciples” by connecting families with young children Preschool through age 7 through dynamic and fun-filled activities.

The Chosen Bible Study

Coming This Winter!

Jesus gives a sermon that turns the world upside down, and all 12 disciples are ready to follow him to the ends of the earth. Season Three picks up where we left off, and is the most emotional and consequential season of The Chosen to date.

Join us on Tuesday mornings from 10:00-11:30am in the St. Joseph Room, or evenings from 7:00-8:30pm in the Parish Life Complex. Starting date TBD.


The Christmas Giving Tree 

There are still ornaments left on our Christmas Giving Trees in the back of church. The Giving Tree works similar to an angel tree. You select an ornament which indicates information on the recipient along with suggested gift items for you to purchase. Please return the gift according to the directions on the back of the ornament. All gifts must be returned no later than noon on Sunday, December 4.

The following organizations are supported by the Giving Tree this year:

There are also a few items remaining on the Giving Tree Amazon wish list. Please complete all shopping on the wish list by December 1. The St. Albert Giving Tree Wish List can be found at: The St. Albert Giving Tree Wish List can be found at:

The Social Concerns committee thanks you for your generosity. if you have any questions, please contact Linda Blackman at or 502-974-5371.

The Social Concerns committee could use your assistance in helping sort the gifts returned for the Giving Tree. Sorting will occur following the 10:30 mass on Sunday 11/27, the 5 pm mass on 12/3 and the 10:30 mass on Sunday 12/4. To sign to help with sorting, please use the sign up genius or text Linda Blackman at 502-974-5371 with your name and the date you can assist. 

Saint Vincent de Paul

There is an Advent spirit in the heart of every human person. It is one of longing, of yearning for a fulfillment that somehow lies beyond ourselves; for we long for the coming of the Lord. As you wait for his coming, are you feeling the call to serve?

You can build the We need additional volunteers to help serve a meal at SVDP Open Hand Kitchen. This is a 2 hour commitment once a month that provides a direct response to our Lord’s Command to feed the hungry. If interested or for more information, call LuAnn West at 920-539-2209. Remember that opportunities to serve others are also opportunities for our own spiritual growth.


Seasonal Flower Ministry


Let our parishioners know you care by bringing a flower to one of our ill, homebound or bereaved. Just choose a flower with name and card attached provided by your Pastoral Care Team and deliver. It’s that easy! Thanks for spreading the love!


Safe Environment Training

All employees or volunteers who have contact with children or youth (18 and under) for ANY length of time are required to participate in one of the 2-hour Safe Environment Training Workshops. No registration is necessary. Sign-in sheets will be available at the workshops.

The Archdiocese is now requiring a refresher course for anyone that has a certificate of completion over five years. To take the online refresher course go to and create a new account. You can access a completion certificate after you finish the training.

Blue Ribbon Application Announcement

The National Blue Ribbon Schools award recognizes public and private schools based on their overall academic excellence.  The process to apply for the Blue Ribbon award is a long, tedious, and difficult process.  In order to even apply for the award, a school has to score in the top 15 percent of both reading and math at every grade level.

For the past couple of years, St. Albert has strived to achieve the status (top 15 percent) to apply for the Blue Ribbon award.  A couple of weeks ago, we were notified that St. Albert has achieved those test scores to apply for this prestigious award.  

We have started the process of putting together a committee and gathering information as we start the application process.  This is such a great tribute to the hard work of all of our faculty and staff, students and families that continue to work together to provide the excellent education that we provide for our children. 

Thank you for all you do in making St. Albert the best that we can be!

Trivia Night Volunteers Needed

We are looking for volunteers for Trivia Night, December 3rd.  This is a huge fundraiser for SAAM, and we would appreciate your help to make this an amazing night.  Sign up today!

The Viking Gala

Donate to the Silent Auction

We needs lots of donations for the silent auction including but not limited to experiences such as tickets, passes and memberships, dining and spa certificates, home décor, personal and home services and more. Think of businesses in your network or near our school that might be willing to support! We can provide a gift-in-kind form with our tax ID number as a receipt for any silent auction items. If you would like to donate something for the silent auction email us at or fill out this form!

Donate to the Live Auction

We are in search of unique experiences or travel opportunities for our live auction such as beach or lake house stays, private dining experiences, VIP concert or event packages and more. If you would like to donate something for the silent auction, email us at or fill out this form! 

Donate Bourbon for the Bourbon Pull

We need bourbon donations for the ever-popular bourbon pull! We are looking for premium bottles valued at $50+. If you would like to make a bourbon donation, please email us at


Can you help teach English to new neighbors?

The Beginning English class at the Catholic Charities language school (ESL) is in dire need of volunteers for three hours, once a week, from 9:30-12:30. You can volunteer as many days as you want. (Currently there is only one volunteer one day a week.) You will be working with adults who have an urgent need to learn English; how to fill out forms, identify letters and numbers, counting, how to ask questions in English, and other basic language skills we take for granted. Classes are small and are held Monday-Thursday. Christmas break and Spring break are days of no school. We will train you to help tutor new neighbors in English as a Second Language. No experience necessary.

Classes are combined, meaning participants will typically be speaking Kinyarwanda, Haitian Creole, Kiswahili, Spanish, Arabic, Pashto, and Dari. You do not need to know their language, only help them learn yours! Contact Lauren at for info.

St Al's Aces

St. Al’s Aces will be meeting for its annual Christmas luncheon on Friday, December 2, 2022 at Audubon Country Club.  Fellowship will commence at 1100 am followed by a meeting and Christmas presents with plated lunch at 1245 pm.  There is a choice of three entrees:  pork chop with new potatoes or mesquite salmon with rice pilaf and vegetables or a vegan plate.  Each entree will be served with a house salad, rolls, coffee, tea and ice cream for desert.  Members and guests are welcome.  Please return a completed reservation form along with $20.00 per person by November 28, 2022 to:  Pat O’Bryant, 8610 Glenfield Way, Louisville, Kentucky 40241.

St. Albert Scout Pack & Troop 327

Over 70 volunteers from the St. Albert the Great BSA Scout Pack & Troop 327 distributed flyers & collected food again this year for the national Scouting For Food initiative. They are happy to report the donation of 197 bags of food to Eastern Area Community Ministries food pantry & want to thank the Graymoor-Devondale & Lyndon community for their support.