Dear Parish Family and Friends,

Below is a link to the financial report for our June 2022 Parish Picnic.  Once again a considerable amount of money was generated from this annual event.  While we are pleased to see an increase in income each year from our picnic, we must always keep in mind that dollars and cents are not the only measure of the picnic’s success. Our favorite measurement of success comes from receiving the generous participation and commitment of the St. Albert community.  By putting together an event that is energizing, fun and reflective of the vitality of our Parish we are able to showcase our parish to the entire city.  There is such great value in the fellowship that is fostered in the preparation and celebration of this event. Sincerest thanks go to all who helped achieve so much. A special thanks to the workers who began preparing months in advance and continued their service throughout the completion of this Parish project, and also to those that stayed throughout the night cleaning and storing the picnic supplies. Your help was invaluable!

Our picnic this year generated $85,110.65.  This is one of the most profitable picnics we have had in the 25 years we have been hosting the event.  Thank you again to all of the volunteers that made that happen!   

Just as a reminder, the picnic is not associated with any particular committee or group within the parish. The monies realized from this annual event go directly into the Parish General Fund.  Admittedly, certain groups are extremely well represented in all the hard work. However, their efforts do not indicate that their specific groups are the sole recipients of picnic profits. The entire parish is beneficiary. Since revived in 1996, the Parish Summer Picnic has generated $1.8 million dollars for our Parish General Fund.

Ultimately and always, we give thanks to God in all things.  

Again, THANK YOU for making our Parish Picnic something to celebrate!

Your 2022 Parish Picnic Committee


Blessing of The Animals

Deacon Mark Preischel will conduct a service of the Blessing of the Animals on Sunday, October 2nd at 4:00 p.m. in front of the church. Bring your pets of all shapes and sizes for this blessing which takes place annually close to the Feast day of St. Francis of Assisi, patron saint of animals and ecology.

Altar Server Training

September 23 (Friday)
2:45 - 3:45 p.m. 

September 26 (Monday)
2:45 - 3:45 p.m.

September 25 and October 2nd (Sunday)
11:45 a.m. - 12:45 p.m. 

Altar Servers assist the priest during the liturgy and are scheduled to serve at the daily and weekend Masses on a rotating basis. Any student in grades 5-8 may be a server. 

Attendance at 2 training sessions is required. After training is complete, altar servers will be scheduled with an adult server or experienced youth server as a means for further training.

Please prayerfully consider becoming involved in this important commitment of your Time and Talent. For more information, contact Laura Sullivan, Director of Music & Worship at 425-3940 ext. 148 or

Ministers of Hospitality Needed!

We will resume passing the collection basket at the 5 p.m. and 10:30 a.m. Masses beginning the weekend of October 1st & 2nd . Because of this, we are in need of more Ministers of Hospitality. At the present time, we will not be passing the basket at the 8a.m. Mass since we do not have enough Ministers of Hospitality for that Mass.

This is a great ministry for families to serve together or for individuals. For more information or to sign up for this ministry, contact Laura Sullivan, Director of Music & Worship at 425-3940 ext. 148 or

Daily Mass Lectors Needed

We are in need of additional lectors for the daily morning Mass. The role of the lector is to read the scriptures: that is to praise, glorify, and proclaim the Word of God during the liturgy. Training is provided. Contact Mike Lush at 292-0006.

Saint Vincent de Paul

On September 27th, the Church celebrates the Feast of St. Vincent de Paul who knew that "God had sent him to bring good news to the poor." Together with your gifts, the members of our Society of St. Vincent de Paul continue his work and mission in our parish. In the month of September, with your generosity, we assisted 29 families providing $2,112 for utility bills or rent.

Vincent de Paul was a French Catholic priest who dedicated himself to serving the poor. He is the patron saint of charitable organizations. On the fifth Sunday of the month the parish holds a special collection to support our society. Our next collection will be in October.


RECEIVED AS OF September 18th:

Cash & Check: $11,570.65

Online Giving: $15,407.31

Total Rcvd as of September 19th for FY 2022-23: $331,275.71

Needed Budget as of September 19th for FY 2022-23: $363,873.48

Total Over/Under Budget: ($32,597.77)

Thank you to all who have blessed St. Albert the Great with gifts of treasure! It is through your generosity that our parish is able to meet our financial obligations and continue God's work of supporting and serving our community and those in need.


Please call 425-3940 with any questions about giving.  

Now is the perfect time to catch up on your tithing contributions for the 2021-2022 Fiscal Year. If you have any questions about where you stand for this year's tithing please contact the parish office. Thank you!



Congratulations to those who were baptized on September 18, Catherine Elisabeth Becht, daughter of Nathan and Gracie Becht, Jaxson Tyler Logsdon, son of Tyler and Paige Logsdon, and Mary Harper LaVera, daughter of Trey and Sarah LaVera!  Does your child need the Sacrament of Baptism?  Our next Baptism Rites are scheduled for October 30 at Noon, with Parent Preparation Class on Tuesday, October 25 at 6:30 pm in Church.  Contact Cindy McKinley, Director of Children’s Ministry

First Communion 

You are invited to an evening of reflection and discussion on “Presence - The Mystery of the Eucharist” with Holly Preischel on Thursday, October 6 at 7:00 pm in the Viking Room above the gym!  We especially invite our Parents of 2nd graders preparing to make their First Holy Eucharist!   


Please Pray for those students and adults participating in the Hand in Hand Ministries’ Immersion Mission Trip to Appalachia on September 25-27th!  We have 20 traveling to Auxier, KY to work on homes of our neighbors in need. 


Our Parish Religious Education Program will NOT meet next weekend, October 2 for our Fall Break!


Congratulations and welcome to the following who recently joined the Catholic Faith! 

Sarah Cain, Melanie Flood, Abbey Heird, Eron Jaber, Katharine Shafferman, and Brittany Ullrich.           

Congratulations to the following for being confirmed!

 Jeff Flood and Patricia Rose.

Thursday, October 13 at 7pm in the Sacred Heart Center. 

Interested in becoming Catholic? Or know someone who is? Not sure, but would like to explore your questions about Catholicism? We invite you to join the us. A new RCIA group is forming in November.

The RCIA is a process for exploring the Roman Catholic faith, teaching, practice, and way of life. It is a process of conversion which includes prayer, learning, fellowship, and discernment within the Christian community. Sessions take place on Thursday evenings from 7:00-8:30pm in the Sacred Heart Center.

Save the Date!


November 11/12 (Saturday only is an option) at Mt. St Francis, Indiana. Begins on Friday at 7:00 pm and ends Saturday at 4:00pm. Contact Laura Graven for more information, at or 425-3940, EXT. 169 $75 per person/overnight


Baby Boomerang

October 1st & 2nd

During Respect Life Month, Little Way Pregnancy Center is asking for your support of their life-saving ministry. Please consider picking up a Baby Bottle in the back of church to take home, fill with donations, and return on October 29th and 30th weekend.

Loaves & Fishes

Weekend of October 1st and 2nd

The next collection will benefit the Schumann Center. Donations can be left in the Gather Space of church on or before the weekend of October 1st & 2nd. They are in particular need of personal hygiene items such as shampoo, soap, razors & shaving cream, feminine care products, and deodorant. Food items such as hearty soups, Ramen noodles, dry pasta and condiments are also needed.

The Center is an outreach of St. Martin of Tours and assists the homeless and needy by offering food, clothing and social service referrals in a Christ-like atmosphere of dignity and respect.

Thank Your for Your Stewardship

As many of you are aware there has been a considerable increase of clients at local food pantries due to inflation and the increased cost of food. “Food Insecurity” is a major issue in our community and local food pantries have experienced a decrease in food deliveries from donations or Dare to Care.  

St. Albert’s Loaves and Fishes Ministry supports five food pantries— Sr. Visitor, St. Vincent DePaul, Schumann Center, St. Ignatius and Eastern Area Community Ministries.  

We are proud to share with you that the parish is donating a one time financial “gift” of $50,000 to be shared among these organizations we have been committed to over the years. The funds are to be designated for food only (no operational expenses).

The Record will be featuring an article on the donation, along with a challenge to other parishes to do the same.

This would not have been possible if it were not for the Stewardship of Time, Talent and Treasure from the GREAT parishioners here at St. Albert the GREAT!  We are truly blessed to be part of a GREAT parish community of Christ-centered Disciples dedicated to inspiring people to love, serve and know God and one another.  


Seasonal Flower Ministry

Weekend of September 24/25

Let our parishioners know you care by bringing a flower to one of our ill, homebound or bereaved. Just choose a flower with name and card attached provided by your Pastoral Care Team and deliver. It’s that easy! Thanks for spreading the love!

Understanding Your Grief

Finding Hope and Healing in Your Heart

A new group is forming on Tuesday afternoons from 12:30 to 2:00pm for ten weeks. We will begin on Tuesday, September 27th in the Sacred Heart Center Room C starting with a meet/greet and hand out of materials. Contact Laura Graven to register at 425-3940, Ext. 169 or


St. Albert School Admission Policy

If you are interested in applying for admission into St. Albert the Great Parish School, please review the dates below to determine when you need to apply for the 2023/2024 school year. Please keep in mind that we will not accept early applications.

Current School Family Registration for New Siblings

The deadline was August 31, 2022. Late applications will be considered in the general pool below.

St. Albert the Great Parishioner Registration Priority

If you are a current and active parishioner at St. Albert the Great, you may apply for 2023/2024 priority enrollment between September 1 - 30, 2022. Length of membership and involvement will be taken into consideration.

Early Registration Open to the Public

Any Catholic or non-Catholic family that applies between October 1 - November 30, 2022 will be evaluated based on the date in which we receive the completed application.

Rolling Registration

We will accept applications after December 1, 2022 on an on-going basis until we reach our class capacity. Once grades are full, we will start wait lists. Applications will be considered based on the date in which we receive the completed application.

Safe Environment Training

The Archdiocese of Louisville is committed to ensuring that children and youth who worship, study or participate in church-sponsored activities can do so in the safest and most secure setting possible. In an effort to fulfill this commitment, all employees or volunteers who have contact with children or youth (18 and under) for ANY length of time are required to participate in one of the 2-hour Safe Environment Training Workshops. No registration is necessary. Sign-in sheets will be available at the workshops.

Upcoming classes:

9/26/22  6:30 p.m., Holy Spirit, 332 Cannons Lane, Dining Commons

9/27/22  6:30 p.m., St. Bernard School, 7500 Tangelo Drive, Gymnasium
11/29/22 6:30pm, St. Albert the Great, 1395 Girard Ave., Visitation Hall

The Archdiocese is now requiring a refresher course for anyone that has a certificate of completion over five years. To take the online refresher course go to and create a new account. You can access a completion certificate after you finish the training.


SAAM Trivia Night


Sponsorship Opportunities Available Now! Guarantee you and your friends a table! 

Category Sponsor $500: Includes Table, Category Display,  EMCEE Recognition, Banner Display
Blue & Gold Sponsor $350: Includes Table and Banner Display

If you would like to sponsor the event please contact