Quaker Records

South River Quaker Records - Bedford and Halifax County, Virginia

Encyclopedia of American Quaker Genealogy

by William Wade Hinshaw, 1950

Volume 6 - Virginia


    • 140, 144 - Upper Monthly Meeting - 1816 Paul Sears fined by Peyton A Womack constable

    • 293 - South River Monthly Meeting - "The first members of the monthly meeting were old stock Quakers for the large part, of English extraction from the tidewater section of Virginia, especially Cedar Creek and Henrico Monthly Meetings. Among the first names appearing in the books are: Hendrake, Johnson, Kirby, Neal, Candler, Lynch, Terrell, Clark, Moorman, Echols, Payne, Collins, Farmer, Roberts, Womack, Caldwell and Ayrs."

    • 345 - South River Monthly Meeting - records of Isham Wommack

    • 866 - Marriage Bonds of Campbell Co, VA - 2 Womack marriages

    • 1019 - Marriage Bonds of Bedford Co, VA - 5 "Womack" marriages, 1 is actually Warnock

Focus on Isham Womack, his niece Elizabeth Womack Cawthorn (wife of Charles Cawthorn), and allied families.

Isham Womack’s daughter Sarah Womack married James McBee, brother of Vardry McBee in records below.

Isham Womack’s daughter Martha Womack married Robert Bean.

Note that according to Echols family research (http://echolsfamilygenealogy.blogspot.com/p/history-of-echols-family-by-milner.html), several of the men below married daughters of William Echols:

    • William Wynne married Mary Frances Echols

    • Vardy McBee married Hannah Echols

    • Daniel Williams married Ann Echols

    • Richard Anderson married Orpha Echols (not in these Quaker records, but in Halifax land records with Isham Womack)

    • Richard Kirby married Judith Echols

    • Moses Hendrick married Ruth Echols (they appear as Kendrake in the Quaker records)

{Some punctuation added, mainly commas between names.}


At a Monthly Meeting held at South River the 17 of the 6 Month 1758 [17 June 1758]

Vardy Magba, William Payn, John Coldwell, William Winn Senr, David Evins, John Kirby, John Jones, John Kirby, John Payne, William Russell, Isham Wammak, Agness Farmer, Henry Kirby, Johanna Kirby, Mary Payne, Henry Kirby Junr, Ruth Kendrake, Moses Kendrake, Elizabeth Cothran and Elizabeth Russell requests to be received into Membership. William Echolds, Benjamin Hubbard and William Echolds Junr are appointed to Enquire into their lives and conversations and report to next Meeting.


At a Monthly Meeting held at South River the 16 of the 12 Month 1758 [12 Dec 1758]

The Friends appointed to enquire into the failure of those before appointed to recommend such as they though[t] worthy to be received into Membership at Halifax have rendered a reason to Friends satisfaction also those formerly appointed thinks proper to recommend the following persons to come under the notice of Friends. To wit, Vardry Magba and Hannah Magba his wife, Henry Farmer and Agness his wife, Moses Kendrake and Ruth his wife, Richard Kirby and Elizabeth his wife, John Kirby and Johanna his wife, Richard Kirby Junr, John Kirby, Elizabeth Cothrun, Mary Payn, Isham Wammak, John Coldwell, William Payn and Ruth his wife & Nathaniel Ayrs - who are according received as members.


At a Monthly Meeting held at South River the 17 of the 7 Month 1763 [17 July 1763]

Accounts from Hallifax recommends Henry Farmer, Moses Kendrake and William Payne as Overseers for that Meeting. Also a complaint against Isham Wammok for Marriage contrary to Discipline after being precautioned against, also of his being located [?] with for not attending Meeting which has not had the desir’d affect the complaint is refer’d to the next Meeting for consideration. Also informs that our Friend Elizabeth Russell Departed this life the 18 of the [?] 4 Month 1763.


At a Monthly Meeting held at South River the 20 of the 8 Month 1763 [20 Aug 1763]

The case of Isham Wamox being consider’d in this Meeting, it is thought propper a Testification be drawn against him to be sent with other papers.


The Friends appointed to prepare a Testification against Isham Wamox produced one which was approv’d and signed and is directed to be forwarded by the Friends appointed for other services at Hallifax and they are desired to report their case the next Meeting.

At a Monthly Meeting held at South River the 17 of the 9 Month 1763 [17 Sep 1763]

No account relating to Benjamin Hubbard nor Isham Wamox


At a Monthly Meeting held at South River the 16 of the 8 Month 1782 [16 Aug 1782]

Two of the Friends appointed to visit Bannister Meeting have comply’d and gave in written report (the other Friend gave his reason for not complying) as followeth. We of the committee appointed to vister Bannister Meeting have comply’d and it appears there is a neglect amongst them with respect to the attendance of Meetings particularly on which days - also in their not sending regular Accounts from their preparative Meeting to the Monthly of birth deaths and removals which we have endeavoured to take a list of together with an account of those that remain and still appear to have a right of Membership namely Moses Kendrak and Ruth his wife their children Amos, Chloe, Sarah, Judith, Obediah, Betty, Jeremiah, Exekiah, Sarah, Orphah, Mary & Richard, Joseph Kirby & Richard sons of Richard Kirby deceased, Henry Farmer and Agness his wife, William Ecolds, David Evins, Little Berry Strange, Daniel Williams, Elizabeth Cothron & John Kirby with their families have removed disorderly from among Friends which report this meeting approves and directs that further care may be extended towards them.

[Note that it appears the list of current members runs into the list of removed members. The next mention of Elizabeth Cothron a few paragraphs later seems to clarify which members actually left.]


From the report of the committee appointed to visit Bannister Meeting it appears there was formerly an Omission in that preparative Meeting in not sending an Account to this Meeting of the disorderly removal of Daniel Williams, Elizabeth Cothron and John Kirby with their families from amongst friends and as it appears Necessary they are discontinued from being members of our Society.