Colonial Government

VA Colonial Govt

Executive journals of the Council of colonial Virginia.

Vol 2, p.135 - John Worsham, sheriff of Henrico Co [25 Apr 1701]

Vol 3, p.371 28 Apr 1714 - John Worsham Sheriff Henrico Co, 398 same 35 Apt 1715

Vol 4 Womack p.358

[12 June 1735] Several Petitions for Land were read & granted as follows Viz'

To James Allen Tho' Anderson & Charles Anderson four thou-

sand Acres already enter'd for on great Guinea Creek in the County of

Goochland beginning on Womacks line & running downwards on the

licking hole Branches to Cap' Stoners line & thence up the aforesaid

Creek & the Branches of Appamattocks River for Complement

Womack, Richard 74, 143

p.74 - [11 June 1724] The following Petitions for Land were read and granted Viz':

To Samuel Good one thousand Acres of Land in Henrico County

begining at the lower side of the Mouth of Middle Creek on Ap-

pamatock River, and runing down the River to Rich" Womocks

Line, and thence up the Lines of the Pet" own land to the said

Middle Creek.

p.143 [15 June 1727] To Sam1 Good 2000 acres beginning on Appomatuck River

on Rich" Womack's line, and up the river to Maj' Kennon's line

in Henrico County

Vol 5

Wamack, William p.154

Womack, John, 242

Womack, Richard, land grants, 167, 241,

306, 315, 382

Womack, William, land grant, 425

See also Wamack, William

p.154 [15 June 1744]

To Joseph Terry eight hundred acres joining to David Harris

& William Wamack to entend [»'. e. extend] across the Road &

among the branches of Willis's Creek.

p.167 [1 Nov 1744]

To Richard Womack 1200 Acres including his Plantation on the

head of the Three Forks on Little Roanoak

p.261 [6 Aug 1747]

To Richard Womack 2,600 Acres including his Land already Sur-

veyed on the Branches of the middle fork of little Roanoake in Lunen-


p.262 [6 Aug 1747]

To John Willis 2,000 Acres in Brunswick beginning on the Land

purchased by him of John Womack to include all the Waste Land to

Captain Thomas Avents line

p.306 [6 Nov 1749]

To Richard Womack, John Made, and John Hall, ten thousand

Acres on the North Side of Goose Creek beginning at Thomas Prather's

Road at a blaz'd white Oak, thence on both Sides the said Road for


p.315 [1 May 1750]

To John Mead, Richard Womack, William Mead and Matthew

Talbot Twenty Thousand Acres on the Branches of Goose Creek, and

the Branches of Otter, beginning at the Mouth of the Crab Orchard

Creek, thence up the said Creek, and the said Branches.

p.382 [4 Apr 1752]

To Samuel Taylor and Richard Womack One Thousand Acres in

Lunenburgh joining the Land that Joseph Morton Lives on.

p.425 [4 May 1753]

To William Womack junr One Thousand Two Hundred Acres in

Hallifax on both Sides of Lick Branch, begining at Caldwell's Line on

the South Side of Sandy Creek.

Vol 6

Wamock, Abraham, 575

Wamock, see also Womack

Womack, Richard, 55, 56, 482

p.55 [15 June 1757]

Richard Womack having entered a Caveat against the Heirs

Executors or Administrators of Thomas Williamson deceased for

Four thousand five Hundred Acres more or less on Goose Creek in

Bedford County recovered from the said Womack in June 1755,

Upon hearing Council on both Sides, it is ordered that the Plaintif

have a Patent for one Half of the said Land, to be divided according

to Quality and Quantity.

p.56 [15 June 1757]

John Smith having entered a Caveat against Richard Womack

for Two hundred Acres in Lunenburg on Spencer's lower Line, it

is ordered that the Plaintif have a Patent for the said Land.

p.482 [10 June 1772]

On hearing the Parties in the Caveat entered by William Mead

against Nathan Williamson, the Executors or Administrators of

Thomas Williamson and Richard Womack for 4500 Acres in

Bedford, being Part of an Order of Council for 5766 Acres, it was

ordered that the said Caveat be dismissed and that the Plaintif pay

unto the Defendants their Costs.

p.575 [16 June 1774]

John Crawford having entered a Caveat against Edward Parker,

for 400 Acres of Land in Halifax, joining the Lands of Abraham

Wamock, William Hunt, and Walter Robertson, upon a Branch

of Hudson's Creek; the Plaintif appearing, and the Defendant hav-

ing been solemnly called and not appearing, it was ordered that the

Plaintif have a Patent for the said Land.

Legislative journals of the Council of colonial Virginia

Vol 1, 2, 3 - index at end of Vol 3

Womack, William. 3. mentioned. 1582.

Vol 3, p.1582

Chesterfield Sc

This day John Knibb, Inspector of Tobacco at Bermuda Hundred Warehouse, Came

before me One of his Majesty's Justices of the said County and made Oath that the said

Warehouse, was broke Open, when under Look & Key, some time in July in the year

1770 & that One Crop Hhd of Tobco belonging to John Ogilby of Amelia County, was

broke Open and 436 lb of said Tobco was stole out of said Hhd for which said Tob"

the said Inspector paid 16/8 W C' for, and also the said Warehouse, was broke Open in

September 1771 & about 400 lb of Transfar Tobco Stole out of said Warehouse, for which

the said Inspector paid 21/1 a? C' for, and the said Inspector applyed both Times, to a

Majestrate for a Search Warr* which was Granted him & William Womack a Constal

of Sd County made Deligent search for said Tob*=o but Could not find any, & the said

Will'" Womack made Oath before me that he was Called on by the Sd Inspector, both

Times that the said Warehouse was broke Open which he said was broke Open & the

Tobco Stole, the said Womack was a Tob" Picker at the said Ware House, Certified under

my Hand this 27'1' day of April 1774

Journals of the House of Burgesses of Virginia, 1752-1755, 1756-1758. Ed. by H. R. McIlwaine.

p.193 24 Aug 1754 - a claim for Richard Womack for taking up a runaway

p.244 - [7 May 1755] The several claims of [long list including Richard Womack] for taking up runaways were presented to the House...

Journals of the House of Burgesses of Virginia, 1758-1761; ed. by H. R. McIlwaine.

p.174 - 21 May 1760 Claims of Abraham Womack and Thomas Garner for taking up runaway slaves...

p.207 - [10 Mar 1761] The several claims of [long list including Abraham Womack] for taking up runaways were presented to the House...

Minutes of the Council and General court of colonial Virginia, 1622-1632, 1670-1676, with notes and excerpts from original Council and General court records, into 1683, now lost

by Virginia. Council cn; Virginia. General Court cn; McIlwaine, H. R. (Henry Read), 1864-1934 ed. cn; Virginia State Library cn