Colonial Tax Lists
1704 Quit Rent Rolls
Land Tax - Names with acreage
Note that the preface to these records in The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography notes that it appears that some of the persons paying taxes were renters or leasers of the land. That certainly appears to be the case with John Granger (married to Mary Puckett Womack Granger), who was apparently leasing land belonging to Richard Womack Jr, in addition to Granger's own land. John Granger had a patent for 72 acres in Henrico adjoining Richard Womack on 20 Oct 1704 (Patent Book 9:628). This 72 acres was apparently included in the 472 acres Granger was charged with in April 1705 All or most of the remaining 400 acres likely belonged to Richard Womack Jr.
Henrico County, April 1705
The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, Vol. 28, No. 3 (Jul., 1920), pp. 207-218 (12 pages)
Granger, John - 472
Puckitt, Wm - 192
Puckitt, Tho - 300
Puckitt, John - 215
Henrico 1736 tax list (Dale Parish by Sheriff John Nash)
From Virginia Colonial Abstracts, Volume III, by Beverley Fleet (available on
Note: Dale Parish was formed in 1735 by taking the part of Bristol Parish north of the Appomattox River and the part of Henrico Parish south of the James River. So, it covered almost the entire area that later became Chesterfield Co, VA in 1749, except a small section of northwest Chesterfield Co that was King William Parish. Later, in 1772, the north part of Dale Parish was split off to form Manchester Parish. We know that John Nash was the tax collector for Dale Parish, because it says so under his own entry in the 1736 tax list.
[Other part of Dale Parish, that was not formerly part of Bristol Parish (i.e., formerly part of Henrico Parish)]
Thos Puckett - 1 levy
John Pucket - 1 levy - Note by John Nash "To Q-rents 108 acres Ld - I believe the Q-rents should be charged to Jno Puckett Shoemaker"
Part formerly Bristol Parrish
Duglass Puckett, 1 Levy
Jno Puckett, Shoemaker, 2 levys, 108 acres, summoned 2 witnesses to prove Abra Puckett's will, paid Daniel Puckett's levy.
Danl Pucket, 1 levy paid by Jno Puckett, shoemaker
Womack Puckett, 2 levys, 208 acres
John Puckett, Turner. 2 Levys, 120 acres
Wm Pucket Jr, 1 levy. Paid q-rents 100 acres for father Wm.
Jos Pucket - 1 levy [Joseph Puckett]
Note: Chesterfield Co, VA formed 25 May 1749 from the part of Henrico Co south of the James River.
Chesterfield Co, VA - List of tithables taken June 1752 by Bolling (starts 007856400:19)
Image 19, Col 2 - John Puckett Turner - 1
Image 19, Col 2 - John Puckett Snr, John Puckett Junr, Drury Puckett - 3
Image 19, Col 2 - John Baugh, Stephen Puckett, Jack, Abram, Mary - 5
[Next 4 entries sequential]
Image 21, Col 1 - Womack Puckett, Bows Puckett, Womack Puckett Junr - 3 [Note: 'Bows' was Boaz]
Image 21, Col 1 - Ephraim Puckett - 1
Image 21, Col 1 - Isham Puckett - 1
Image 21, Col 1 - Page Puckett - 1
[Next 2 entries sequential]
Image 21, Col 4 - Brazire Puckett - 1
Image 21, Col 4 - Jos Puckett Junr - 1
Chesterfield Co, VA - List 10 June 1752 taken by ? (starts 007856400:24)
Image 25, Col 1 - John Ferguson, William Puckett - 2
Image 25, Col 3 - Thomas Puckett, Mark Puckett, Abraham Puckett
Chesterfield Co, VA - List 1756 taken by William Thompson (starts 007856400:35)
Image 35, Col 1 - Abraham Puckett, Antho Puckett - 2
[Next 2 entries sequential]
Image 35, Col 1 - Thos Puckett, Edwd Puckett - 2
Image 35, Col 1 - Mark Puckett - 1
Chesterfield Co, VA - List 1756 taken by Edward Osborne (starts 007856400:37)
Image 37, Col 1 - Lewis Puckett - 1 [after entry for Richard Perdew]
Chesterfield Co, VA - List June 1756 taken by John Bolling (starts 007856400:43)
Image 37, Col 2 -Brazure Puckett - 1 [after entry for father-in-law Ellick Moor]
[Next 3 entries sequential]
Image 37, Col 2 - Womack Puckett Senr
Image 37, Col 2 - Ephraim Puckett
Image 37, Col 2 - Womack Puckett Junr
Chesterfield Co, VA - List 1757 taken by Claiborne Anderson (starts 007856400:47)
[Next 3 entries sequential]
Image 50 - Thomas Puckett, Ned Puckett - 2 [Note: Ned a common nickname for Edward]
Image 50 - Abraham Pucket
Image 50 - Anthony Pucket
Chesterfield Co, VA - List 1757 taken by? (starts 007856400:57)
[Note: this tax collector also enlisted soldiers for the French and Indian War.]
Image 59, Col 1 - Brazure Pucket - 1
Image 72 - 16 June 1757, Inlisted [sic] Jeremiah Pucket aged 18, 5ft 2.5 in high, peart countenance, several scars on his head
Image 73 - 16 June 1757, Inlisted [sic] Drury Pucket aged 23, lively countenance, 6 ft 1 in high
Chesterfield Co, VA - List June 1757 taken by Richard Eppes (starts 007856400:77)
Image 77, Col 3 - Lewis Pucket - 1
Image 80 - Ephraim Pucket - [no number written]
Chesterfield Co, VA - List 1761 taken by James Deans (starts 007856400:114)
Image 123, Col 2 - Lewis Pucket - 1 [between John Belcher & Richard Purdue listings]
Image 123, Col 2 - Daniel Pucket Jr
Chesterfield Co, VA - List 1776, Dale Parish, taken by Thomas Worsham (starts 007856400:139)
Image 140 , Col 2 - Shippey Puckett - 1
Chesterfield Co, VA - List 1762 (Southside Virginian, Vol 5, 1987, p.91-122)
Thos Puckett, Thos Puckett Jur - 2
Mark Puckett - 1
Lewis Puckett - 1
Baz Puckett - 1 [Brazure? Boaz?]
Edward Puckett with Estate of John Clay Dec'd
Daniel Puckett - 1
Amelia County, Virginia
1740 - John Burton's List, above Flatt Creek - John Towns, Joseph Puckit, Dick negro - 3 [007856499:75], column 2
1741 - John Burton's List, above Flatt Creek - Richard Puckit - 1 [007856499:87], column 2
1743 - Edward Booker's list, between Flatt Creek & Nibbs Creek - Wm Pucket [one of 16 tithables in Capt Nash's list] [007856499:110], column 3
1744 - William Clement's list between Flatt Creek & Appomattox River up to Great Saylor Creek - Richard Puckett - 1 [007856499:128], column 6
1744 - Charles Irby's list below Deep Creek and above Cellar Creek - Joseph Pucket - 1 [Henry Lester also in this list] [007856499:130], column 6
1744 - George Walker's list, upper part of county [from Namozine to Cellar Creek] - William Pucket with Capt John Nash [007856499:134], column 1
1744 - George Walker's list, upper part of county [from Namozine to Cellar Creek] - Douglas Pucket -1 [007856499:134], column 2
1745 - John Nash's list - Wm Puckett - 1; Duglass Puckett & Peter Cheatham - 2 [007856499:137], column 4
1746 - Edward Booker's list - Jos Pucket - 1 [007856499:140], column 4
1746 - John Nash's list - Duglass Puckett - 1; Wm Pucket - 1 [007856499:146], column 2
1746 - Thomas Tabb's list - Richd Pucket - 1 [007856499:150], column 3
1746 - insolvents - William Puckett - no effects [007856500:329]
1747 - John Nash's list - Wm Puckett - 1 [col 1]; Duglass Puckett - 1 [col 3] [007856499:165]
1747 - Charles Irby's list - Joseph Puckett - 1 [007856499:169] - column 3
1747 - Thomas Tabb's list - Richd Pucket - 1 [007856499:173] - column 4