Charlotte County


28 July 1792. Henry Buckner Jr and Elizabeth Womack, dau Alexander Womack. Sur. John Foster. Henry Jr son of Henry Buckner Sr. Married 30 July by Rev Henry Lester. p.171.

  • Charlotte Co, VA OB 1:12 (image 39/574). 1 Apr 1765. Peter a negro boy belonging to Charles Womack adjudged to be 13 years old.

  • Charlotte Co, VA OB 2:320 (image 474/574). 6 Mar 1770. Abraham Womack a witness for Edward Mosly at the suit of Martin Clay, ordered said Mosely pay him for 2 days

  • attendance and once coming and returning 20 miles.

  • Charlotte Co, VA OB 2:336 (image 482/574). 3 Apr 1770. Abraham Womack a witness for Edward Mosely at the suit of Martin Clay, ordered said Mosely pay him for 1 day attendance and once coming and returning 20 miles.

  • Charlotte Co, VA OB 3:32 (image 38/508). 2 Dec 1771. Charles Womack & Nipper Addams witnesses for Luke Williams in his suit against George Thompson, ordered that said Williams pay them 135 pounds tobacco for 1 day attendance and once coming and returning 35 miles and 1 shilling for ferriage each.

  • Charlotte Co, VA OB 3:116 (image 80/508). 6 July 1772. Charles Womack a witness for Luke William Williams in his suit against George Thompson, ordered that said Williams pay him 140 pounds tobacco for 1 day attendance and once coming and returning 40 miles and 2 shillings for ferriages.

  • Charlotte Co, VA OB 3:264 (image 153/508). 1 Mar 1773. Alexander Womack plaintiff vs Henry Cox & Robert Cunningham defendants, In Debt.

  • Charlotte Co, VA OB 3:451 (image 247/508). 5 Oct 1773. On the motion of Alexander Womack judgement is granted him against Henry Cox & John Tankersley...

  • Charlotte Co, VA OB 4:139 (image 414/508). 4 July 1778, Deed from Isham Rice & Francis Rice to William Womack proved by oaths of 2 of the witnesses.

  • Charlotte Co, VA OB 4:211 (image 485/508). 6 Mar 1780. William Womack appointed surveyor of road where James Daugherty was later surveyor. Hands shall be appointed by William Hubbard & James Daugherty to clear and repair the road.

  • Charlotte Co, VA OB 5:124 (image 147/528). 6 Oct 1783. Deed for Alexander Nunnery to William Womack proved by oaths of 3 of the witnesses.

Charlotte Co, VA OB 19:167. 6 Dec 1813, Pilgrim Williams administrator of Mary Mann dec'd with Hillary Goode his security.

Deed Index

2 Aug 1773, Womack, Alex to David Rice, BS, DB 3:333

28 Mar 1783, Womack, Wm from Alex Nunnery, BS, DB 5:68

21 Oct 1787, Wommack, Alexander from Joshua Blanton, BS, DB 6:23

20 Jan 1795, Womack, Alex to Drury Moore, BS, DB 7:109

17 Dec 1798, Womack, Alex to Jacob Womack, BS, DB 8:173

6 June 1803, Womack, Lillious D from David Blankenship & ux, BS, DB 9:219

3 Oct 1805, Womack, Alex & ux to James Clark, BS, DB 10:145

14 July 1818, Womack, Wm L Exr from Jacob Morton & c comrs, BS, DB 14:176

14 Jan 1818, Womack, Abraham & Womack, Joel W & Womack, Mary C & Womack, Wm M from Nathaniel E Venable, BS, DB 15:159

4 Nov 1819, Womack, Jacob & ux to James Chumbly, BS, DB 15:221

21 Jan 1822, Womack, James W from Lillious D Womack, DG, DB:16:115

DB 9:249 - sale of land of William Womack deceased by commissioners, 2 May 1803.


DB 3:333 - 2 Aug 1773, Alexander Womack of Prince Edward Co, St Patrick Parish, to David Rice of same county/parish, for 50#, 400a in Charlotte Co, head branches of Owls creek, Mitchel's corner, Hawkin's line, Williams's corner, Nance's corner, tract sold to Alexander Womack by Bartholomew Zackery and recorded in Lunenburg Co. Signed Alexander Womack. No witnesses. Charlotte Court, 2 Aug 1778, deed acknowledged by said Womack and Martha his wife relinquished dower.

DB 5:68 - 28 Mar 1783, Alexander Nunnery of Charlotte to William Womack of same, for 34 pounds, tract in Charlotte Co, 34 acres, beginning corner hickory of Alexander Nunnery, thence S3W 40 poles, thence S 46 poles, thence S54W 66 poles corner hickory of Brewers, thence N4W 88 poles to a corner hickory of Ollivers, thence N66E 70 poles to beginning. Signed Alexander his X mark Nunnery L S. Witnesses Edward Robertson, Samuel X Mayhew, Peter Harllee. Charlotte Court 6 Oct 1783, proved by Edward Robertson, Samuel Mayhew and Peter Harllee.

DB 6:23 - 21 Oct 1787, Joshua Blanton & wife Lucy of Prince Edward Co to Alexander Womack of Lunenburg Co, for 100#, 400a in Charlotte Co, both sides Turkey Egg Branch of Meherin River, Mitchel's corner, Walton's line, Signed Joshua Blanton [his mark is I with middle cross-bar]. Wit: William Johnson, William Foster, Thomas Toombs. Court 7 Apr 1788, proved by William Foster & Thomas Toombs. Court 1 Sep 1788, further proved by William Johnston. Commonwealth of VA to Thomas Spencer, Jacob Morton and Edmund Read gentleman - appointed commission to obtain release of dower from wife of Joshua Blanton. "No return made on the Dedimus."

DB 7:109 - 12 Jan 1795, Alexander Womack & wife Milley of Charlotte Co to Drury Moore of Charlotte Co, 100a in Charlotte, bounded by Isham Moore, said Alexander Womack, Mary Aulderson, Thomas Foster. Signed Alexander his + mark Womack L S. Wit John Collier, Jno (his + mark) Ellice, Thomas Toombe, Thomas Ellis. Court 6 Apr 1795, acknowledged by Alexander Womack.

DB 8:173 - 17 Dec 1798. Alexander Womack to Jacob Womack for 40#, 40a in Charlotte Co on Turkey Egg Creek, Watkins's line. Signed Alexander Womack (O his mark). Wit: James Collier, Thomas Toombs, John Toombs. Court 3 June 1799, acknowledged by Alexander Womack.

DB 9:219 - Deed, 6 June 1803, David Blankenship & Nancy his wife of Charlotte Co to Lilleous D Womack of Prince Edward Co, for 27 pounds 18 shillings, 46.5 acres in Charlotte Co that said Blankenship now lives on, beginning at Meadows corner red oak, thence along his line N73W 81 poles to a new made corner white oak in his line, thence new line S11W 82 poles to a pointer in Legrand's line, then along Legrand's asked line to Meadow's corner white oak, thence along his line N12W 61 poles to the beginning. Signed Davis his X mark Blankenship L S, Nancy her X mark Blankenship L S. No witnesses, Charlotte court 6 June 1803, acknowledged by David Blankenship and Nancy his wife,

DB 9:249 - Deed, 2 May 1803, William B Morton, Joseph Venable and Morris Hanner commissioner acting under decree of court of Charlotte Co to Thomas Oliver of said county, by interlocutory decree dated 10 Mar 1803 between Pleasant Robards and other plaintiffs and Thomas Womack and others defendants, ordered that John Garden, William B Morton, John Dennis, Joseph Venable and Morris Hanner or any three of them make sale of land belonging to estate of William Womack deceased late of said county, sold to Thomas Oliver, for 80 pounds and one penny to be paid to Thomas Womack administrator of William Womack deceased, tract of land in Charlotte Co bounded by lands of John Smith, John Timberlake, the said Thomas Oliver and Hitchcock, containing 180 acres MOL "saving to the widow of said William Womack her right of dower in the said land". Signed William B Morton L S, Joseph Venable L S, Morris Hanner L S. Witnesses Jno D Johnson, Clem R Jameson, John Dennis, Josiah Foster. Charlotte court 4 July 1803, acknowledged by William B Morton and Joseph Venable and proved by Clement R Jameson, John Dennis and Joseph Foster to be act of Morris Hanner.

DB 10:145 - Deed, 3 Oct 1805, Alexander Womack & Sally his wife to James Clark of Nottoway Co, for 300 pounds, land "whereon I now live" in Charlotte Co, 300 acres, beginning at a corner poplar on Turkey Egg Creek, thence along Jacob Womack's line to a corner pine, thence along Nathl Basebeach line to a corner white oak, thence along Thomas Simmons line to a corner white oak, thence along said Simmons line to Drury Moor's line, thence along said Moore's line to a corner white oak on James Alderson's line, thence along said Alderson's line to William Hynes line, thence along said Hynes line to Thomas Watkins line, thence along said Watkins line to Jacob Womack's line at a corner pine and thence along the said Womack's line to a corner maple on Turkey Egg Creek, thence along said creek to the beginning. Signed Alexander his A mark Womack L S. Witnesses Wm Vaughn, David Vaughn, Jesse his X mark Wallice, John Vaughn. Charlotte court 7 Oct 1805, deed acknowledged by Alexander Womack and Sally his wife relinquished dower.

DB 15:159 - Deed, 14 Jan 1819, Nathl Venable to Mary C Womack, Saml V Womack, Joel W Womack, Wm M Womack and Abraham Womack, whereas said Nathl Venable became the purchaser of tract of land in Charlotte Co on the waters of Wards Fork containing 813 acres for and on account of the said Mary C Womack, Saml V Womack, Joel W Womack, Wm M Womack and Abraham Womack being the widow and children of the late Wm L Womack deceased, land of the late Col Thos Read sold under a decree of the Charlotte Court by commissioners to said N E Venable for the only proper use of the said widow and children ... [difficult to read] Signed Nathl Venable. No witnesses, Charlotte Court 2 Aug 1819, acknowledged by Nathl E Venable.

DB 15:221 - Deed, 4 Nov 1819, Jacob Womack and Mary his wife of Lunenburg Co to James Chumbley of same county, for $100, land in Charlotte Co, on west side of Turkey Egg Creek, beginning at a poplar on bank of said creek, thence up the creek as it meanders to a corner of James Clark, thence along said Clarks line to a corner white oak, thence along John Hines line to Hurts and [cannot read] line and Pully line to the said Womacks land and along [cannot read] to the beginning, 40 acres. Signed Jacob his X mark Womack (seal), Mary her X mark Womack (seal). Cannot read witnesses if any. Section, hard to read, appears to be about Mary's dower. John D Richardson and Bryan W Lester Justices examined Mary Womack wife of Jacob Womack and she acknowledge the deed, Indenture and certificates delivered to the clerks office 6 Mar 1820 and ordered to be recorded.