Campbell County


    • Joel Womack to Sally Pruitt, bond 22 Nov 1800. Consent by Michael Pruitt. Joel Womack and David Womack bondsmen. Richard Womack and David Womack witnesses.

    • Jeremiah McKinney to Fanny Womack daughter of Richard Womack, bond 3 Dec 1803. Jeremiah McKinney and Richard Womack bondsmen.

    • Adin Mason to Polly Womack, bond 18 Dec 1806. Adin Mason & Alexander Womack bondman. On same day, marriage bond of James Mason to Betsey Holt with Adin Mason & Alexander Womack witnesses.

    • James Davis to Nancy Gibbs [some sources say Nancy G Womack], bond 13 Nov 1792. Consent by Matthew Womack. James Davis & Adam Driskill bondsmen. Adam Driskill and David Womack witnesses.

    • John H Little to Rebecca Wommack, bond 31 Mar 1830.

    • Leroy Womack to Elizaberth Charlton, bond 27 Oct 1842.

Deed Index

9 Aug 1782 - Womack, Ellexander from Harrison, Benj - BS - DB 1:109

21 Jan 1785 - Womack, Richard from Raffety, John - BS - DB 2:115

4 Feb 1788 - Womack, Richard to Driskell, Daniel - BS - DB 2:276

1 Sep 1787 - Womack, Richard from Garrett, Julian & ux - BS - DB 2:394

4 Nov 1802 - Womack, Richard from Judge, Geo - BS - DB 6:120 - THIS IS A MISTAKE IN THE DEED INDEX

12 Dec 1803 - Womack & c, Richd to Gov of Va - Bond - 6:338

10 Oct 1803 - Womack, Joel from Trustees Brookneal - BS 6:373

10 Oct 1803 - Wormack, David Jr fom Trustees Brookneal - BS - DB 6:370

7 Sep 1805 - Womack & ux, David to Monroe, Jno - BS - DB 7:145

5 Apr 1806 - Womack, Alexander from Whitlow, A S - BS - DB 7:367

18 Apr 1806 - Womack, Alexander from Driskell, Danl & ux - BS - DB 7:398

5 Sep 1806 - Womack & ux, Richd to Driskill, Daniel - BS - DB 7:393

9 Sep 1806 - Womack, Richard from Wilson, Molly - Com - DB 7:419

12 Oct 1807 - Womack & ux, Alexander to Driskell, Daniel - BS - DB 8:44

17 Sep 1806 - Walmock, Richd to Marshall, Jno - BS - DB 10:137

1 Sep 1846 - Womack & ux, Leroy to Swinney, J H & Wm H - BS - DB 26:369

DB 1:109 - 9 Aug 1782, Benjamin Harrison of Cammel Co [sic], to Ellexander Womack of Prince Edward Co, for 60#, 200a in Cammel Co, N side Felpes Creek, Moses line, Callonways [?] line, Pruets line. Signed Benjamin Harrison. Witnesses David Womack, Richard Womack, Richard Rutledge. Possession taken 10 Nov 1782, same witnesses. 5 Dec 1782, proved by David Womack, Richard Womack, Richard Rutledge.

DB 2:115 - Deed, 21 Jan 1785, John Rafaty of Gillford [sic] Co, NC to Richard Wammuck of Campbell Co, for 1150 pounds tobacco, land in Campbell Co, beginning at Talbots corner pointers on the Main fork of Bowmans Creek on Pendletons line then along Pendleton's line N50E 118 poles to Prewets corner red oak thence along Prewets lines N80W 220 poles to a corner pine, N42W 130 poles to his corner red oak on Garretts line thence along Garretts line S25E 90 poles to his corner pine, S 76 poles to his corner white oak on Talbots line, thence along Talbots line N53E 18 poles to his corner white oak, S78E 64 poles to his corner white oak on the aforesaid fork of Bowmans Creek thence down the same being Talbots line as it meanders to beginning, 104 acres MOL. Signed John Raffety L S. Witnesses Michael Prewit Sr, James Prewit, Michael Prewit Jr, Henry Garrett. Campbell court 3 Feb 1785, proved by James Prewit and Michael Prewit Jr. 6 Apr 1786, proved by Michael Prewit Sr.

DB 2:276 - Deed, 4 Feb 1788, Richard Womack of Campbell Co to Daniel Driskill Sr of same county, for 65 pounds, land in Campbell Co, 150 acres MOL, beginning on Robert Garrets line, thence along his line to Richard Womacks line, then along his line to Michael Pruitts line, then along his line to Daniel Mitchells, thence along his line to Samuel Wilson, thence along his line to the beginning. Signed Richard Womock L S. Witnesses Robert Prewit, Daniel Mitchell, Moses Driskill. Campbell court 5 June 1788, acknowledged by Richard Womock.

DB 2:393 - Deed, 1 Sep 1787, Juley Garrett and John Garrett her son of Campbell Co to Richard Womack of same county, for 100 pounds, land in Campbell Co, 135 acres by estimation, on north side of Stanton River, beginning at Winfords corner red oak on the river, thence along his line line N32E 28 poles to his corner red oak, N22W 54 poles to his corner red oak, N 100 poles to corner red oak, N35E 42 poles to his and Pendletons corner pine, thence along Pendletons line N66W 102 poles to his corner pine, S53W 64 poles to Bowmans Creek, thence down the creek as it meander to the mouth of said creek where it enter Stanton River, thence down the river as it meanders to the beginning. Signed Juliann Garrett L S, John Garrett L S. Witnesses Daniel Mitchell, Michael Prewet, David Womack. Campbell court 5 June 1788, proved by Daniel Mitchell and David Womack. 6 Aug 1789, proved by Michael Prewet.

DB 6:195 (Image 129) - Deed, 4 Nov 1802, Samuel Wilson & Molly his wife of Campbell Co to Richard Womack of same, for 100 pounds, 95 acres

DB 6:338 - Bond - Richard Wamack, John Brooke and Robert Cobbs bound to John Page Esq Governor of Virginia, 4000 pounds, 12 Dec 1803, Richard Wamack appointed Inspector of Tobacco at Brooke Neal Warehouse in Campbell Co. Signed Richard Wamack (seal), John Brooke (seal), Robert Cobbs (seal). Campbell court 12 Dec 1803, bond acknowledged by Richard Wamack, John Brooke and Robert Cobbs.

DB 6:370 - Deed, 10 Oct 1803, Philip Payne, John Marshall Sr, Charles Slaughter, John Black, John Reid, Achilles Moorman Sr, Samuel Pannill and Robert Cobbs trustees of the town of Brooke Neal, Campbell Co to David Womack Jr of Campbell Co, for one pound 13 shillings, one half acre Lot No 19 East Street in town of Brooke Neal, upon condition David Womack Jr or his heirs, executors, administrators, heirs or assigns shall build a house 16 feet square at least fit for habitation within 10 years. Signed by the 8 trustees. Campbell court 12 Dec 1803 and 9 Jan 1804, acknowledged by trustees.

DB 6:373 - Deed, 10 Oct 1803, Philip Payne, John Marshall Sr, Charles Slaughter, John Black, John Reid, Achilles Moorman Sr, Samuel Pannill and Robert Cobbs trustees of the town of Brooke Neal, Campbell Co to Joel Womack of Campbell Co, for one pound 6 shillings, one half acre Lot No 21 East Street in town of Brooke Neal, upon condition Joel Womack or his heirs, executors, administrators, heirs or assigns shall build a house 16 feet square at least fit for habitation within 10 years. Signed by the 8 trustees. Campbell court 12 Dec 1803 and 9 Jan 1804, acknowledged by trustees.

DB 7:145 (Image 432) - Deed, 7 Sep 1805, David Womack and Elisabeth his wife of Campbell Co to John Monroe of same county, for 200 pounds, 200 acres MOL in Campbell Co, bounded by lands of Joseph Calloway ___ Sutton, John Laine, Richd Rutledge, Alex Culwell and Michael Prewit. Signed David Wamack (seal), Elisabeth her x mark Wamack (seal). Witnesses Daniel Driskill, Joseph Calloway, Richd Rutledge, J Scott. Campbell court 9 Sep 1805, acknowledged by David Womack and Elisabeth his wife.

DB 7:367 - (Image 543) Deed, 5 Apr 1806, Andrew Stratton Whitlow of Campbell Co to Alexander Womack of same, for 9 pounds, 7 acres in Campbell Co on Dog Creek, beginning at a walnut tree on the bank of Big Falling River, thence down the river joining Cobbs and Prices line, thence up the said creek to the said Whitlows line, then along his line to Thomas Baileys line, thence along his line to Daniel Driskillks line, thence along his line to the beginning. Signed Andrew S Whitlow (seal). Witnesses John Marshall, Grfn Lewis, J D Harvie, D G Talbot, Daniel Driskill. Campbell court 14 July 1806, acknowledged by Andrew S Whitlow.

DB 7:393 (Image 556) - Deed, 5 Sep 1806, Richard Wamack and Rachel his wife of Campbell Co to Daniel Driskill of same county, for 450 pounds, land in Campbell Co, north side of Stanton River, beginning on the said river on the mouth of a branch on Publias Jones line, thence up said branch on said Jones's line to William Young's line, thence along his line to Watkins road, thence along the said road and the said Young's line to William Boshers line, thence along his line to Spicers line, thence along his line Blacksmith John Marshalls line, thence along his line crossing Boomans Creek twice still going on his line to the said River at the mouth of a small branch just below the mouth of said creek, thence down the said Stanton River to the beginning, 500 acres. Signed Richard Wamack (seal), Rachel her X mark Wamack (seal). Witnesses Francis Callaway, William Mason Sr, Davy Driskill. Campbell court 8 Sep 1806, acknowledged by Richard Wamack and Rachel his wife.

DB 7:398 (Image 559) - Deed, 18 Apr 1806, Daniel Driskill of Campbell Co to Alexander Wamack of same county, for 250 pounds, land in Campbell Co, 160 acres, beginning at a black walnut on Big Folling river joining Andrew Stratton Whitlows line, thence along his line to Thos Baileys line, thence along his line to Davy Driskills line, thence along his line to the mouth of the still branch at the river, thence down the said river to the beginning. Signed Daniel Driskill (seal), Agnes Driskill (seal). Witnesses Robert Monroe, William Driskill, Isham his X mark Hall, Alexander Driskill, Adin Mason, Francis Calloway, William Mason Sr, Richard Womack. Campbell court, 8 Sep 1806, proved by Francis Calloway, William Mason Sr and Richard Wamack.

DB 7:419 (image 569). Deed 4 Nov 1802. Samuel Wilson to Richard Womack, 95 acres. This is just release of dower by Molly, wife of Samuel Wilson, dated 13 Sep 1806.

DB 8:44 - Deed, 12 Oct 1807, Alexander Womack and Sarah his wife of Campbell Co to Daniel Driskill of same county, for 300 pounds,100 acres in Campbell Co whereon the said Womack now lives and that was sold to him by the said Daniel Driskill, beginning at the mouth of Dog Creek, thence along Cobbs and Prices line to the mouth of rockey branch on Big falling river, thence down the said river as it meanders. Signed Alexander Womack (seal), Sarah Womack (seal). No witnesses. Campbell court 12 Oct 1807, acknowledged by Alexander Womack and Sarah his wife.

DB 10:137 -Deed, 17 Oct 1806, Richard Walmack of Campbell Co to John Marshall of same county, for one dollar, 4 acres in Campbell Co on Stanton River, beginning at the mouth of a small branch below Rials Ferry on Driskills line, thence along the said line to a pine in the said Driskills "inclosure", thence along the said line crossing Rials road to a oak, thence along the said line to a branch on the head of Marshalls Mill pond on the sd Marshalls line to the end. Signed Richard Walmack. Witnesses Robert Monroe, Thomas Morris, Daniel Driskill, John W Marshall, J Scott. Campbell court 13 July 1807, proved John W Marshall, Court 12 July 1813, proved by Robert Monroe and Joseph Scott.

Will Index

23 Dec 1875 Warmack, Betty H, Jane, Mildred from Margaret Powers will, 14:379.

26 Aug 1782, Womack, Alexander, David, Richard from Alexander Womack will, 1:38. Also 31 May 1784, 1:40. Also 4 Nov 1784, 1:47.