Other Womacks in America

This is the top-level page for Womacks in America by 1850 who were NOT descended from the Womacks of Colonial Virginia.

From the Womack Classification, these include:

G) Womacks NOT descended from the Henrico Co, VA Womack Family

G.1) Recent Womack Immigrants - mostly or all in New York in 1850, all from England

G.2) African-American - a handful of free black Womacks in 1850; the vast majority were slaves.

G.3) Native American - there were NO Native American Womacks. The Womack name comes from England. There were Womacks with Indian blood from their mother's side of the family.

H) Womacks who were not really Womacks - mistakes

H.1) Mistakes made in the past - mistakes made in censuses, newspapers, by county clerks, etc where people were called Womack who really were not. Example: Elizabeth Womack in the 1850 Census of Madison Co, TN was actually Elizabeth (Fly) Warmath, widow of Henry Warmath.

H.2) Mistakes made in record transcriptions - Womack is difficult to tell from several other names in some old handwriting, and in documents that are faded or otherwise hard to read. An example is the supposed Womacks in Stewart Co, TN, all of whom were Warnicks.

I) Non-existent Womacks

I.1) Legendary or Fictional Womacks - often handed down in family oral traditions. Example: Ian Warmack of Georgia. Real research either finds no proof of these people, or finds other (and real) ancestors. These fictional Womacks do proove that someone was a great story teller.

I.2) Fraudulent Womacks - the Womacks in this category were created by unscrupulous "professional genealogists" to separate people from their money. Example: Henry Womack of Accomack Co, VA.