Northampton County

Northampton Co, NC DB 2:59 (img 273). 24 Feb 1752. James Lewis of Northampton Co, NC, planter, to William Womack of Brunswick Co, VA, for 15#, land in Northampton, north side of Mill Swamp above the mouth of Grassey Branch, 400 acres. Signed James Lewis. Witnesses Arthur Wall (A), Richard Wall. Feb Court 1752, acknowledged. J Edwards clerk.

Northampton Co, NC DB 2:199 (img 343). 21 Feb 1755. William Womack of Brunswick Co, VA, to Hardy Hart of Northampton Co, NC for 50#, 400 acres, N side of Mill Swamp above the mouth of Grassey branch. Signed William Womack. Witnesses “Jos; John Snipes [?]” William Hoquins [?]. Feb court 1755, acknowledged. J Edwards clerk.


Matthias B Womack to Sarah A James, bond dated 4 Apr 1848, bondsman Simon T Westbrook.