Lempriere's Universal Biography

Full title:

Lempriere's Univeral Biography; Containing a Critical and Historical Account of the Lives, Characters, and Labors of Eminent Persons, In all Ages and Countries, Together With Selections of Foreign Biography From Watkins's Dictionary, Recently Published, and About Eight Hundred Original Articles of American Biography. By Eleazar Lord. In Two Vols. New York: R Lockwood, 154 Broadway. J & J Harper Printers. 1825.

Published in New York by J & J Harper, 1825 - Google Books, Hathi Trust

Vol II, p.824 - Womack, Lawrence, D.D., author of the examination of Tilenus before the Friers, 12mo. against the puritans - the Calvinistic Cabinet Disclosed, 12mo. - the Result of False Principles, or Error convinced by its own Evidence, and other tracts against the Calvinists, was a divine of Cambridge, who became archdeacon of Suffolk, 1660, and was made bishop of St. David's 1683. He died 1685.

Note that Lempriere's Universal Biography also contains an article on William Warburton (Vol II, p.776), another English Bishop from whom John Warburton Womack claimed descent.