Chesterfield County

Wills & Probate Records -

Chesterfield Deeds

From General Indexes, 1749-1913, grantors and grantees

Deed Books 1-20, abstracts, mostly of deeds where a Womack was grantor or grantee

2:168 - 5 July 1754 John Roberts of Chesterfield Co to Mary Womack and Francis Womack her son of Chesterfield Co, 50# VA money, 119a, head of Licking Creek, Thomas Franklin’s line, Joshua Roberts’ line, John Elliot’s line, Alexander Smith’s line. Witnesses William Graves Jr, Olive Branch. Signed John Roberts.

2:173 - 5 July 1754, Mary Womack and Francis Womack her son of Chesterfield Co to John Roberts of Chesterfield Co, 50# VA money, mouth of Coldwater Run a branch on the N side of Swift Creek, Hardaway’s line, Licking Branch, 100a MOL. Witnesses William Graves Jr, Olive Branch. Signed Mary Womack, Francis Womack. Chesterfield Court, 5 July 1754, acknowledged by Mary Womack and Francis Womack.

2:244 - 1 Oct 1754, Isham Womack and Thomas Womack of Amelia Co to Henry Winfree of Chesterfield Co, 50# VA money, 130a MOL, mouth of Rocky Run a N branch of Swift Creek, Hardaway’s line; lines of William Hatcher, Capt Richard Eppes, and William Baugh. Witnesses William Bass, Matthew Farley, Valentine Winfrey. Signed Isham Womack, Thomas Womack. Chesterfield court, 7 Feb 1755, proved by oaths of Matthew Farley, William Bass, Valentine Winfree.

2:290 - 2 May 1755, Francis Womack and Susanna his wife of Chesterfield Co to William Walthall of Chesterfield Co, 4# 6 shillings VA money, tract adjoining lines of Richard Kennon, Womack Puckett and Timothy Puckett, 25a MOL, part of a tract of 100a formerly belonging to John Puckett. Witnesses Henry Walthall, Peter Walthall, Francis Walthall (his X mark). Signed Francis Womack, Susanna Womack (her X mark). Chesterfield court, 2 May 1755, deed acknowledged by Francis Womack an Susanna Womack.

5:130 - 24 Apr 1764, John Milom of Chesterfield Co to Thomas Womack Jr of Chesterfield Co, 25# VA money, 100a MOL, on branches of Sappony, bounded by John Gunter, John Tillinson. Witnesses John Gammon, Edith Womack (X), Joel Womack. Signed John Milon (his I mark). Chesterfield court, June 1764, proved by oaths of John Gammon, Edith Womack, Joel Womack.

5:458 - 29 May 1766, Joseph Smith to Thomas Franklyn, land adj Francis Womack who was also a witness.

5:468 - 22 Dec 1766, Thomas Womack of Chesterfield Co to Benjamin Watkins of Chesterfield Co, 7#, 28a, south side of Gully Branch, Worsham’s line. Witnesses Joel Womack, Jonas Cliborne, John Lockett, John Rowlett. Signed Thomas Womack (his T mark). Chesterfield court 2 Feb 1767, proved by oaths of Joel Womack, Jonas Cliborne and John Lockett. Benjamin Watkins clerk.

5:469 - 22 Dec 1766, Benjamin Watkins of Chesterfield Co to Thomas Womack of Chesterfield Co, 19#, 76a purchased by Benjamin Watkins from Anthony Irby, bounded by Gully Branch and the road to Pilkingtons, lines of Pilkington and Thomas Womack. Witnesses Joel Womack, Jonas Cliborne, John Lockett, John Rowlett. Signed Benja Watkins. Chesterfield court, 6 Feb 1767, deed acknowledged by Benjamin Watkins. Benjamin Watkins clerk.

5:478 - 5 Sep 1766, Francis Womack of Dale parish, Chesterfield Co to Thomas Franklin of same parish and county, 30# VA money, bounded by the land said Franklyn purchased of Joseph Smith, also by land of Joshua Roberts, John Ellit’s [sic] land, John Cobb’s land, 119a MOL. No witnesses, signed Francis Womack. Chesterfield court, 5 Sep 1765 [sic, 1766], deed acknowledged by Francis Womack and his wife [not named]. See OB 3:760 (LDS Film # 007894508, image 363/671), Sep Court 1766, Francis Womack acknowledged deed to Thomas Franklyn; Francis's wife mentioned but not named.

7:160 - 10 May 1773, Edward Wilkinson of Chesterfield Co to Josiah Womack of Amelia Co, for 4#, horses. Witness Ben Wilkinson. Signed Edw Wilkinson. Chesterfield court 7 Jan 1774, proved by oath of Ben Wilkinson.

8:222 - 5 Dec 1777, William Womack Sr of Dale parish, Chesterfield Co to William Womack Jr of same county and parish, for love and affection to his son William Womack Jr, also 5 shillings, 100 acres, bounded by Francis Eppe’s land, Alexander Marshall’s land, William Moseley’s land, Henry Stratton’s land, Blackmon Moseley’s land. No witnesses. Signed William Womack (his X mark). Chesterfield court 5 Dec 1777, acknowledged by William Womack Sr.

9:361 - 20 Dec 1779, William Womack of Dale parish, Chesterfield Co to Blackman Moseley of same county and parish, 1500# VA money, 100a MOL. Witnesses Richard Batt, Matthew Moseley, Thomas Poland. Signed William Womack Junr. Chesterfield court, 5 May 1780, deed acknowledged by William Womack.

10:16 - 20 Dec 1779, Richard Batte of Dale parish, Chesterfield Co to William Womack Jr and Martha his wife, 1500# VA money, tract called Varina, 150a MOL. Witnesses Thomas Polland, Matthew Moseley, Thomas Clarke. Chesterfield court, May 1780, acknowledged by Richard Batte.

10:19 - 20 Dec 1779, Richard Batte of Chesterfield Co to William Womack and Martha his wife, bond giving full possession of timber on Batte’s land known as Strattons. Witnesses Thomas Clark, Mathew Moseley, Thomas Polland. Signed Richard Batte. Chesterfield court may 1780, bond acknowledged by Richard Batte.

10:20 - 20 Dec 1779, Thomas Batte of Chesterfield Co to William Womack and Martha his wife, bond to cut timber from the land Richard Batte lives on. Witnesses Mathew Moseley, Thomas Polland, Thomas Clark. Signed Thomas Batte. Chesterfield court May 1780, acknowledged by Thomas Batte.

11:536 - 12 Mar 1789, Ezekiel Jackson and Mary his wife of Dale parish, Chesterfield Co to William Womack of the same paish and county, 138# VA money, 138a MOL, bounded by lands of William Cogbill, Leonard Smith, Micajah Smith, Archibald Walthall, and said Ezekiel Jackson, being land Ezekiel Jackson purchased of David Grissell late of Chesterfield Co. Mary Womack has dower in the said land for life. No witnesses. Signed Ezekiel Jackson. Chesterfield court June 1789, acknowledged by Ezekiel Jackson.

13:8 - 18 Nov 1789, Peter Womack of Culpepper [sic, Culpeper] Co to John Spears of Chesterfield Co, 125 [type of currency not given], 100 acres, bounded by lines of William Branch, Edward Anderson and John Spears. Witnesses Harry Anderson Jr, Saml Wilkinson (his + mark), Obadiah Turpin, John Cole, William Robertson. Signed Peter Womack (his + mark). Chesterfield court Apr 1790, proved on the oaths of John Cole, William Robertson, Obadiah Turpin.

15:350 - 22 Aug 1801, Thomas Womack of Chesterfield Co to William Stringer of Chesterfield Co, 68# 16 shillings, 43.5a Womack lately purchased from John Wilkerson of Chesterfield, bounded by lines of Saml Wilkerson, Peter Rowlett, Peter Wilkerson, Benj Wilkerson, estate of R C Anderson deceased, and Polly Wilkerson. No witnesses. Signed Thomas Womack. Chesterfield court Oct 1801, acknowledged by Thomas Womack.

15:351 - 22 Aug 1801, Thomas Womack of Chesterfield Co to Samuel Wilkerson of Chesterfield Co, 25# VA money, 12.5a, bounded by Saml Wilkerson, church road, road from Bevils Bridge to Petersburg. Witnesses A Whitworth, Jonas Robertson, Jno Spears. Signed Thomas Womack. Chesterfield court Oct 1801, acknowledged by Thomas Womack.

16:215 - 22 Dec 1790, Francis Womack of Chesterfield Co to William Womack son of said Francis of Chesterfield Co, whereas William Womack late of Charlotte Co who was brother to said Francis departed the life intestate and without having any child, the said deceased William Womack’s estate descends to Francis Womack and his brothers and sisters as heirs. For love and affection and 5#, Francis gives to son William his share of his brother William’s estate, consisting of 300a MOL and slaves. Witnesses Peter Franklin, Ezekiel Jackson, Daniel Franklin. Signed Francis Womack. Chesterfield court Apr 1803 proved by the oaths of Peter Franklin, Ezekiel Jackson and Daniel Franklin. Note in margin says “1804 Jany 7th the original delivered Wm Womack.”

17:28 - 22 July 1801, Jno Wilkerson of Chesterfield Co to Thomas Womack of Chesterfield Co, 87#, 43.5 acres MOL, bounded by lines of R C Anderson deceased, Benjamin Wilkinson, George Robertson, and Polly Wilkinson. Witnesses Peter Worsham, Wm Ware, Thomas Cavender, William Cole. Signed John Wilkinson. Chesterfield court Oct 1801, proved by William Ware and William Cole. And at another court 8 Apr 1805, acknowledged by John Wilkinson.

17:153 - 28 May 1805, John Womack of Chesterfield Co to William and Charles Corling of Chesterfield Co, 53# 17 shillings 5 pence, negro man Simon. But if Womack pays William and Charles Corling 53# 17 shillings 5 pence plus interest within 2 years, bill of sale to be reversed. Witnesses John Baird, Samuel Hart, Thomas Reeves, Thomas Hart. Signed John Womack. Chesterfield court 13 Jan 1806, deed proved by oaths of Samuel Hart and Thomas Hart. Note in margin says “1806 October 13th the original delivered to Mr Corling.”

18:237 - 10 May 1809, John Womack of Chesterfield Co to daughter Nancy Womack for affection, the following property: one bay horse, all my stock of cattle, two beds and furniture, two tables, half dozen chairs, all my kitchen furniture. No witnesses. Signed John Womack. Chesterfield court 11 Dec 1809, deed acknowledged by John Womack.

20:356 - 22 Aug 1815, Lawson Burfoot deputy for Thomas Branch sheriff of Chesterfield Co to John Womack of Chesterfield Co, land in the name of Frances Baugh’s estate for non payment of 1806 taxes, $1.80 in arrears, 150 acres, John Womack purchased for $1.80. No Witnesses. Signed L Burfoot DS for Th Branch shff. Chesterfield court 22 Aug 1815, acknowledged by Lawson Burfoot.

Deed books 21-50, Index

    • 23:195, 13 Mar 1820, B of S, Wiley & Frances Jackson to William Womack

    • 26:390, 12 June 1826, B of S, William & E Womack to Thos Howlett

    • 27:257, 14 July 1828, Loan, William Womack to Mary C Smith

    • 27:428, 9 Feb 1829, B of S, Wm B & Polly Smith to William Womack

    • 27:467, 9 Mar 1829, B of S, John B & Betsy Womack to Alexander Biggleston

    • 28:210, 13 Sep 1830, B of S, Jordan & Susan Gill to William Womack

    • 29:656B, 12 Jan 1835, B of S, Jordan & Susan Gill to James M Womack

    • 30:140, 12 Oct 1835, B of S, Richard & M Womack et al to Lawson Blankenship

    • 30:593, 24 Feb 1837, D in T, James Gill to Francis J Womack et ux

    • 31:419, 12 Nov 1838, D of T, Patrick Womack to Benj Goode

    • 32:449, 28 Sep 1840, [blank], Patrick Womack to Fowler King

    • 37:158, 10 Apr 1847, B of S, James M & L I Womack to Samuel Taylor

    • 40:389, 14 Mar 1853, B of S, Pleasant F Womack & Wm H Womack to Patrick Womack

    • 41:407, 1 Mar 1855, B of S, Francis J Womack estate by coms to Saml Taylor

    • 42:269, 9 Jun 1856, D in T, Henry J & A Nunnally to Mary A Waymack et al

    • 42:438, 8 Dec 1856, B of S, David & M W May to Thos M Womack

    • 42:440, 8 Dec 1856, D of T, Thos M Womack to John P May

    • 44:46, 14 Mar 1859, B of S, Catherine Womack, Thos Womack, John Womack’s heirs, to Wm Wright

    • 44:504, 17 Apr 1860, D of T, Pleasant & R S Womack to Trustees of Manchester U Building Fund Co

    • 44:506, 17 Apr 1860, B of S, Jeremiah & M E Hobbs to Pleasant F Womack

    • 45:31, 13 Aug 1860, B of S, Wm & Elizabeth Morriss to Wm H Waymack

    • 45:115, 8 Oct 1860, D in T, Wm H & M A Waymack to Wm T Gray

    • 45:369, 8 May 1861, B of S, Pleasant Womack to Everett W Baugh

    • 46:172, 9 Mar 1863, Release, Trustees of Manchester U Building Fund Co to Pleasant Womack; also on same page, 27 July 1868, B of S, C C McRae & Wm Holt to Pleasant Womack

    • 46:476, 7 Oct 1863, B of S, Wm H Waymack to Patrick Callahan

    • 46:515, 2 Nov 1863, B of S, Wm B Watkins to Wm H Waymack

    • 47:34, 14 Mar 1864, B of S, John T Womack to Patrick Womack

    • 47:93, 8 Aug 1864, D in T, Wm H Waymack to Chris McRae & E C Brooks

    • 49:48, 29 Aug 1867, [blank], Catherine & T M Womack to Wm Wright

    • 49:479, 14 Jan 1868, Partition, Michael M Vaden to Thomas M Womack

    • 50:334, 27 May 1868, B of S, Mary E Hobbs exex of Hobbs est to Pleasant Womack ; one of two deeds with same grantee/grantor, other in 51:308.


16 Nov 1786. Henry Mills and Sarah Womack. Married by Rev John Goode who says Hennery. Ministers' Returns p.371.

9 May 1791. William Womack to Elizabeth Purkinson, dau of Robert Purkinson, who consents. Wit, Ezekiel Jackson. This is consent only. Married 9 June by Rev John Cameron, Rector of Bristol Parish, Episcopal Church, who says Perkinson.

8 Dec 1794. John Womack to Ann Baugh. Married by Rev Needler Robinson, Rector of Dale Parish, Episcopal Church. Ministers' Returns p.378.

17 Mar 1797. James West and Sally Womack. Married by Rev Needler Robinson, Rector of Dale Parish, Episcopal Church. Ministers' Returns p.385.

19 Oct 1797. Laban Coleman and Elizabeth Wormack. Married by Rev James Rucks. Ministers' Returns p.384.

28 May 1798. Jeremiah Braughton and Anne Womack, Sur. John Edmonds. Married by Rev Walthall Robertson, Baptist. p.25.

2 Feb 1804. William Wamack to Polly Davis. Married by Rev Henry Featherstone, Sr. p.398.

9 Apr 1804. John Spears and Susanna Womack. Sur. Peter Rowlett. p.71.

11 Nov 1805. William Smith and Sarah Womack, 22 years of age, dau of William Womack, deceased. Sur. William Dillion. Wit William S Dance, Married 21 Nov by Rev Henry Featherstone, Sr. p.79.

9 May 1808. Daniel Horner and Mary Womack, dau of Abram Womack, deceased. John Varnier, guardian of Mary consents for her and is surety. p.91.

21 Nov 1821. William D Womack and Judith P Ledbetter. David Pilkinton, witness. p.168. Married 22 Nov by J H Boyd, p.424.

8 July 1822. Granville Smith and Mary C Womack, dau of William Womack who consents. James Smith, wit. p.171. Married 11 July by Leonard Nunnally. p.427.

25 May 1825. William D Womack and Lydia Chesler. John S Smith witness. p.189.

29 June 1825. Francis J Womack and Nancy Gill dau of Jacob Gill who consents and is witness. p.189.

22 Dec 1828. Randolph C Blankenship and Martha Womack (age 21). Richard Childress and Thomas ____ witnesses. p.209. Married 25 Dec. p.435.

5 June 1829. Patrick Womack and Lucy Vaden, dau of Wm H Vaden, who consents. Wm H Clayton and Thos E Winfree, wit. p.211. Married 23 June (7 June?) by John H Wilder, p.347.

10 Dec 1829. Jordan Gill and Susan Womack, dau of William Womack who consents. Francis J Womack, wit, p.214.

25 June 1831. Forrest Flournoy and Ann (Nancy) Womack dau of Catherine Womack who consents. Seth W Flournoy and Thomas M Womack, witnesses. p.224.

24 Dec 1831. James Womack and Lucy Johnson Smith, dau of Alex'r Smith, who consents and is witness. p.228.

27 Dec 1831. William O Smith and Nancy C Womack, dau of William Womack who consents. Francis J Womack. p.228/

17 Dec 1834. Richard Womack and Mary Martin, dau of William Martin, who consents. Woodson W Powell, wit, p.245.

14 Jan 1839. Thomas M Womack and Sally M Vaden, dau of Michael Vaden, who consents. Francis Cheatham and L Vaden witnesses. p.241.

12 Dec 1842. Francis J Womack and Mary S Smith, dau of Patience Smith who consent, Wm O Smith and Henry Smith, witnesses. p.299. Married 14 Dec by Samuel Taylor. p.459.

21 Dec 1842. Patrick Womack and Irena Mann, dau of Cain Mann, dec'd. Henry W Mann, wit. p.299. Married 28 Dec. p.460.

18 Apr 1843. William Morgan and Eliza Carter Waymack, dau of Isham C Waymack, who consents. J W Moore, wit. p.303.

16 Dec 1852. George W Watkins to Mary S Wamac. Married 16 Dec by Samuel Taylor. p.364.

Married 23 Dec 1853. John T Womac and Louisa T Fergusson, p.490.

21 Dec 1853. Pleasant Wamack to Rebecca S Taylor. Married 2 Feb 1854 by Wm B Belcher. p.367.