Amelia County

Marriage Records

10 Dec 1787. Forrest, John and Martha Womack, dau of Thomas Womack, who is surety. p. F-2.

Amelia Co, VA surveys at


1 Apr 1737 Richard Womacks survey on both sides of Tommohitton Swamp above Hayne's, 400 acres


26 Feb 1737/8 Peter Gustavus survey on the [?] side of Saylor Creek joyning Ruffins line, 200 acres


4 Nov 1741 Fran.s Rice Survey on the lower side of Buffalo River joyning Hudson & Bibb, 200 acres

9 Jan 1741/42 Math Womack Survey on the lower side of Sandy River joyning Browns & Burks line, 400 acres

22 Mar 1741/42 Rich Womack Survey on the uper [sic] side of Sandy River near Randolphs Land, 400 acres


4 Jan 1742/43 Alexr [?] Womack Survey on the uper side Saylor [?] Creek joyning Turpin, Morris, Rickasy [?] & Goodlow [?] lines, 188 acres

4 Jan 1742/43 Abraham Womack Survey on the uper side of Saylors Creek joyning Womack & Ruffins line, 400 acres

4 Jan 1742/43 Danl Farley Survey on the uper side of Saylors Creek joyning Womack Morris & Richey, 400 acres

10 Jan 1742/43 Richd Womack Survey on the lower side of Sandy River joyning Akins & his own line, 400 acres

TODO - pick up with 1743-1744

Miscellaneous Records of Amelia County, Virginia 1735-1865 by Gibson Jefferson McConnaughey

Amelia County court records of children bound out by Church Wardens:

    • OB5:202, 26 Apr 1759, Children [names not given] of Matthew Womack of Nottoway Parish, "he being unable to maintain them."

    • OB6:283, 24 Jun 1762, John Womack of Nottoway Parish, son of Matthew Womack.

    • OB7:30 24 May 1763 (LDS Film # 007893733, image 262/822), Daniel Womack, Sarah Womack & Richard Womack, children of Matthew Womack of Nottoway Parish.

Deeds, abstracted Gibson Jefferson McConnaughey. {These are abstracts of the abstracts, will complete later. Just doing ones where a Womack is grantee or grantor.}

    • DB 1:322 John Hudson to Richard Womack of Henrico Co, dated 23 Apr 1741

    • DB 1:412 Richard (X) Womack of Prince George Co to Wood Jones, dated 13 Jul 1742 [no wife mentioned]

    • DB 1:444 John Hudson to Richard Womack, dated 14 Oct 1742

    • DB 2:354 Matthew (X) Womack to Abraham Brown, dated 18 Jul 1746. Edith wife of Matthew.

    • DB 2:395 Richard Womack to Michael McDearmon Roe, dated 20 May 1746. Ann wife of Richard.

    • DB 2:521 Richard Womack of Lunenburg Co to John Owen of Lunenburg Co, dated 1 Jul 1747. Ann wife of Richard.

    • DB 3:104 Abraham Womack of Raleigh Parish to James Moore of Raleigh Parish, dated 25 Jul 1748, part of patent to Abraham 10 Jul 1745. Jane wife of Abraham.

    • DB 3:107 Abraham Womack to John Stanton of Hanover Co, dated 15 Aug 1748, part of patent to Abraham 10 Jul 1745. Jane wife of Abraham.

    • DB 3:225 Matthew Womack to John Averitt, dated 6 Mar 1748, part of patent to Matthew 20 Mar 1745. Edith wife of Matthew.

    • DB 4:384 Abraham Womack and Jane Womack to William Womack, dated 23 Jun 1752, part of patent to Abraham 10 Jul 1745.

    • [Prince Edward Co formed from Amelia 1 Jan 1754, most Womacks were in Prince Edward.]

    • DB 11:492 (LDS Film # 008141099, image 601/620) Thomas Ball of Amelia Co to Josiah Wommack of Chesterfield Co, dated 25 Jun 1772, land in Amelia Co in fork of Nottoway [River], including all the land on the south side of the road that said Thomas Ball purchased of Augustin Claiborn, 260 acres MOL. Signed Thomas his + mark Ball. Mo witnesses. Amelia court 27 Aug 1772, acknowledged by Thomas Ball and Elizabeth his wife relinquished dower.

    • DB 15:242 (LDS Film # 008358439, image 676/761) John Lockheart of Johnston Co, NC to Thomas Womack of Amelia Co, dated 13 Oct 1779 80 pounds VA money, land in Amelia Co on Ellisses fork of Flat Creek, 200 acres MOL, joins George Smiths line. Signed John Lockheart. Witnesses John Mitchel, George Foster, John his x mk Robert, Bartholomew Dupuy.

    • DB 16:378 (LDS Film # 008358440, image 211/434) William Mitchell of Prince Edward Co to Thomas Womack of Amelia Co, dated 25 Mar 1784, for 10 pounds, 10 acres MOL in Amelia Co, on John Roberts lines. Signed William Mitchell. No witnesses. Amelia court 26 Mar 1784, acknowledged by William Mitchell.

    • [Nottoway Co formed 01 May 1789 from Amelia, Womacks were then in Nottoway. Very little Womack activity in Amelia thereafter.]

Amelia County Virginia Tax Lists 1736-1764: An Every-Name Index, by TLC Genealogy, 1993

Index to tax lists


Jno - 52a, 55j

John - 51b, 52b, 53g, 53i

Jos - 52g

Joshua - 50g, 51g, 53g

William - 47a


Isham, Mathew, Richard, William - 44n


John - 64m


Josiah - 62d


Rob - 55f


Abra Sr (?) - 48g

Abraham - 50g

Abraham Jr - 50g

Abram - 46o, 51g, 52g, 53g

Abram Consta - 49g

Abram Constable - 47g

Abram Jr - 46o, 47g, 48g, 49g, 51g, 52g

Alex'r - 47g, 48g, 49g, 50g, 51g, 52a, 52g, 53g

Alex'r (not listed) - 46p

Charles - 63k

Isham - 50c, 52c, 53c

Mathew - 52c, 53c

Matt - 48g

Matthew - 46o

Peter - 63b

Richd - 45g

Thos - 51g, 53g

Wm - 47g, 48g, 49g, 50g, 51g

Wm Constable - 45g, 53g

Womack (?)

Mathew - 49c


Mathew - 54c


Mathew - 50c

Peter - 64w

1744, list N - Geo Walker's List, upper part of county {from Namozine to Cellar Creek}

p.5A - Column 2 - Francis Rice - 1

p.5B - Column 3 - William Wammack - 1

p.5B - Column 3 - Isham Wammack - 1

p.5B - Column 4 - Richard Wammack, Jack - 2

p.5B - Column 4 - Mathew Wammack - 1

1745, list G - Jno Nash's List {in the upper part of the county} [above Saylor's?] Creek

p,1A - Column 3 - Franc Rice & Wm Rice - 2

p.1B - Column 4 - Richd Womack & Negro Jack - 2

p.1B - Column 5 - Wm Womack Constable - 0 [constables were tax exempt]

p.1B - Column 5 - Cha Spradlin, Cha Cauthon & Wm Payne - 3

1746 - list O - Jno Nash

p.3 - Column 4 - Abram Womack, Abram Womack Junr & Richard Cauthon - 3

p.3 - Column 4 - Matthew Womack - 1

1747 - List A - Thomas Tabb

p.5B - Column 3 - William Blanton - 1

1747 - List G - Jno Nash

p.3A - Column 3 - Alex'r Womack - 1

p.3A - Column 3 - Francis Rice - 1

p.3B - Column 4 - Wm Womack - 1

p.3B - Column 5 - Abram Womack Constable, Abram Womack junr & Charles Cauthon - 2

1748 - List G - Jno Nash

p.7 - Column 3 - Abra Womack senr(?), Abram Womack junr & negro [unreadable] - 2

p.7 - Column 3 - Chas Spradlin & Jno Spradlin

p.7 - Column 3 - Cha Cauthon - 1

p.7 - Column 3 - Wm Womack - 1

p.7 - Column 3 - Matt Womack - 1

p.7 - Column 4 - Alex'r Womack - 1

1749 - List C - Charles Irby's List, Nottoway Parish

p.4D - Column 1 - Mathew Womack - 1

1749 - List G - Jno Nash

p.2A - Column 2 - Wm Womack - 1

p.2A - Column 3 - Alex'r (?) Womack - 1

p,2B - Column 2 - Franc Rice - 1

p,2B - Column 3 - Jno Spradlin - 1

p.2B - Column 3 - Mr Greenhills Tithes, Chas Cauthon, Guy & Tom - 3

p.2B - Column 3 - Abram Womack Const, Abram Womack junr - 1

1750 - List C, Charles Irby

p.1B - Column 1 - Mathew Womock - 1

p.1C - Column 2 - William Watson, Wm Davis, Isham Womack, [18 slaves] - 21

1750 - List G - Jno Nash

p.3A - Column 1 - Wm Womack - 1

p.3A - Column 1 - Abraham Womack & Joshua Blanton - 2

p.3A - Column 1 - Chas Carthan - 1

p.3A - Column 1 - Abraham Womack Junr - 1 [also in Column 1, Stubblefield families]

p.3A - Column 2 - Alexr Womack - 1

1751 - List B - Wood Jones

p.3A - Column 3 - John Blanton, William Hewman (?), Joseph Sanders, Isabel - 4

1751 - List G - John Nash

p.4A - Column 3 - Alexr Womack - 1

p,4B - Column 2 - Wm Womack & Edmd White - 2

p.4B - Column 2 - Thos Womack - 1

p.4C - Column 1 - Cha Cauthon - 1

p.4C - Column 1 - Abram Womack & Joshua Blanton - 1

p.4C - Column 1 - Jno Spradlin - 1

p.4C - Column 3 - Abram Womack junr - 1

1752 - List A - Thomas Tabb [polls only, appears to overlap other lists]

p.2B - Column 2 - Alexd Womack

p.2C - Column 2 - John Blanton

1752 - List B - Wood Jones

p.4A - Column 1 - John Blanton, Larkin Chen, Edward Carter, Robert Chick. [5 slaves] - 9

1752 - List C - Charles Irby

p.3D - Column 2 - Womack, Mathew - 1

p.3D - Column 2 - Watson, Amey List, Batt Zachary, Isham Womack, John Jones, [17 slaves] - 20

1752 - List G - John Nash

p.5A - Column 1 Cha Cauthon - 1

p.5A - Column 1 - Abram Womack & Jos Blanton - 2

p.5A - Column 3 - Franc Rice - 1

p.5B - Column 1 - Alexr Womack - 1

p.5B - Column 1 - Abram Womack junr - 1 [between Robt Stubblefield & Jno Stubblefield]

1753 - List C - Charles Irby, lower end of Nottoway Parish

p.1D - Column 2 - Womack, Isham - 1

p.1D - Column 3 - Womack, Mathew- 1

1753 - List G - John Nash, Nottoway Parish

p.3A - Column 1 - Joshua Blanton - 1

p.3A - Column 1 - John Blanton - 1

p.3A - Column 1 - Abraham Womack - 1

p.3A - Column 1 - Chas Cauthon - 1

p.3A - Column 1 - Alexr Womack - 1

p.3A - Column 2 - Wm Womack Constable- 0

p.3B - Column1 - Fra Rice - 1

p.3C - Column 2 - Thos Womack - 1

1753 - List I - Abraham Talley

p.6 - Column 4 - John Blanton - 8

1754 - Charles Irby

p.2D - Column 1 - Wommack, Mathew - 1

1755 - Thomas Tabb

p,3D - Rob Waymack

1762 - Richard Booker

p.3 - Column 2 - Josiah Warmack (with Thos Bottom Junr)

1763 - David Greenhill

p.30 - Column 3 - Peter Womack (with William Bott?)

1764 - Ben Ward, Rawleigh Parish

p.16 - Column 3 - Peter Womock (with Thomas Bottom Junr)

1764 - John Winn

p.20 - Column 1 - John Wammock (with Henry Anderson)

1765 - Robert Munford, Nottoway Parish (

p.12 - Column 1 - Thomas Blanton - 1

Order Books

OB 7 - scanned index

30 - Womack children bound out (see above)

79 (LDS Film # 007893733, image 311/822) - Charles Womack - William Ligon ordered to pay him 50 pounds tobacco for 2 days attendance vs John Hendrick.

237 (LDS Film # 007893733, image 368/822) - Ordered that Henry Anderson Junr & James Bagley be summoned to appear here at the next court to answer the Complaint of Matthew Womack exhibited against them. Nov 1763.

OB 9 - scanned index

98 (LDS Film # 008141103, image 123/673) - John Sharrat vs Matthew Womack - Upon an attachment.

OB 10 - scanned index

214 (LDS Film # 008141103, image 314/673) - Matthew Womack vs Jno Sherratt - Case

215 (LDS Film # 008141103, image 314/673) - Mathew Womack ordered to pay witnesses in suit vs Sherratt - Thos Hudson 50 lb tobacco for 2 days; Batt Zachary 50 lb tobacco for 2 days; Edward Ferguson 50 lb tobacco for 2 days. Apr 1768.

OB 11 - scanned index

62 (LDS Film # 008141103, image 424/673) - Josiah Womack - Feb 1769.