Pryor Family Research
Pryor family Bible
Children of John Pryor from Bible Record
Robert Pryor born Feby 11, 1733 (married)
Elizabeth Pryor born June 1, 1735 Smith + Flourney
Rhodah Pryor born July 6, 1739
Mildred Pryor born Aug 6, 1741
Lucy Pryor born July 20, 1743 Womack
Green Pryor born Sept 29, 1745 Susan Perkins
Leah Pryor born Nov 20, 1747 Nicholas Perkins
Rachel Pryor born Mar 23, 1750
Dorothy Pryor born Mar 23, 1750
Henrietta Pryor born Sept 15, 1756
Jno Henry Pryor born May 4, 1759 Stokes
Abner Pryor born Dec — 1761
William Stone and Rhoda Pryor
William Stone married Rhoda Pryor, who was sister of Mildred Pryor and Lucy Pryor who married David Womack and John Womack, respectively. William owned land adjacent to David Womack in Caswell Co, NC (area of present Person Co, NC), and is mentioned as a neighbor in the deed in which David Womack sold his land in 1784 (Caswell County, NC DB C:82). Next, William Stone moved to Burke Co, GA (ares of present Jefferson Co, GA):
Caswell Co, NC Will Book B:195 (image 262) - William Stone of Burke Co, GA to James Robertson of Caswell Co, NC, slave boy Issac, 6 years old, 26 Dec 1786.
In 1791, William Stone had a land grant in Burke Co, GA, next to Jonathan Kemp (husband of Martha "Patsey" Womack, David Womack's sister). David Womack was a chain carrier for the survey. See David Womack for the record. In 1794, Richard Womack (son of David) and Robert Stone (probable son of William Stone & Rhoda Pryor) were chain carrier for a survey for Christopher Kilbee, adjacent to land owned by Richard Womack.
In 1803, Rhoda Pryor Stone and son Pryor sold land:
Jefferson Co, GA DB E:290 (LDS Film # 008312766, image 269/318) - 2 Mar 1803, Rhoda Stone and Pryor Stone to Elkanah Loftin of Jefferson Co, GA, 50 acres on Boykins Mll Creek, bordering land granted to James Young being part of that tract. Signed Rhoda Stone (seal), Pryor (his x mark) Stone (seal). Witnesses James Isham. Stephen Thompson. Acknowledged 12 May 1804 by James Isham. Abs Pryor [Absolom Pryor] JP.
This deed has been misinterpreted as Pryor Stone and Rhoda his wife; however the deed says nothing about their relationship, and it would be unusual to list the wife first. This was Rhoda Pryor Stone and her son Pryor Stone.
Granville Co, NC Estate Records
LDS Film # 007641307
Phillip Pryor - starts image 1181
Robert Pryor - starts image 1192, thru 1258
See Granville Co, NC Pryor records.
Will of John Pryor, Orange County, North Carolina, dated 28 Sep 1771, proved Jan 1772.
Orange Co, NC Will Book A:160, LDS Film #19484, Image 86 of 782.
[Note: broken into paragraphs for readability.]
In the name of god Amen
I John Pryor of North Carolina Orange County being unwill [sic] but of perfect Sence [sic] and memory, but knowing it is appointed once for all men to die do think proper to make this my Last will and Testament in Manner and form following to wit first & principally I yeald [sic] my Soul to god who gave it hoping through the Merits of his Dear Son to Obtain pardon for all my Sins and my Body to be Buried in a Christian Manner at the direction of my Executors and what Estate it hath pleased god to Lend me after my Just debts be paid I give and Bequeath as follows to wit,
Item I give to my Son Robert Pryor that Tract of Land on the Head of Aarons Creek in Granville County being 640 acres and also my Negroe man named Will and what I have already Given him and my account against him on my Book to him and his heirs lawfully begotten by his body for ever,
Item I give to my Daughter Elizabeth Flournoy all that I have already given to her and Twenty pounds as she borrowed of me to her heirs for Ever,
Item I give to my Daughter Rhoda Stone my negroe man named Pompy and two Cows & Calves one feather Bed & furniture one Mare and Saddle which Estate She hath already received to her and her heirs for ever,
Item I give to my Daughter Mildred Wamock my negroe man named frank & two Cows and Calves one feather Bed & furniture one Mare and Saddle all already received to her heirs for ever,
Item I give to my Daughter Lucy Tapley my negroe man named Harry and two cows and calves one feather bed and furniture and one mare and saddle already received to her heirs for ever,
Item I give to my Grandson John Pryor Son to Green Pryor all that land I purchased of Josiah Alday and also that land I purchased of Robert McFarley [sic,Robert McFarland] both on May Creek and also my Negroe woman named Sue and also my negroe Garl named Dinah also my Negroe Garl Juda and their increase and a horse saddle and two cows & calves one feather bed and furniture when he shall arrive to Twenty one years to him and his heirs for Ever which have already delivered to Green Pryor
Item I give and bequeath to my daughter Leah Perkins my negroe woman named Moll and her increase and two cows & calves one feather bed and furniture one horse and saddle already received to her, her heirs for ever
Item I give to my Grand daughter Betty Green Pryor my negroe garl named Dilsey and her increase and also my tract of land on Adams Creek adjoining Hugh Barnett when she shall arrive to lawfull years or marries to her and her heirs for ever Item
I give to my daughter Rachael Pope my negroe boy named Essex [?] one feather bed & furniture two cows and calves one young mare and saddle which estate she hath already received to her & her heirs for ever
Item I give to my daughter Dorothy Pryor my negroe garl named Cloe & one feather bed and furniture two cows & calves one horse or mare and saddle when she arrives to lawfull age or marries to her, and her heirs for ever
Item I give to my daughter Heritha Pryor [sic, Henrietta Pryor] when she arrives to lawfull age or marries my negroe boy named Ben and two cows and calves one feather bed & furniture and horse or mare & saddle to her and her heirs for ever
Item I give to my son John Henry Pryor the land and plantation where I now dwell and also my negroe garl named Philles and two cows and calves one feather bed and furniture and one young horse and saddle to him and his heirs for ever
Item I give to my son Abner Pryor all that land I purchased of Fredrick Kerlock and also that land that Moses Walker owned and also that land on Hico as I bought the improvements of Harkley Worrin and also my negroe boy named Cato and two cows & calves and one feather bed and furniture and one horse & saddle and also that tract of land that I tookup adjoining the land I purchased of Fredrick Kerlock to him and his heirs for ever
Item I give to my Grandson John Pryor Smith my negroe garl named Voilet and if she dies before she comes of age then my desire is that he be paid out of my Estate forty pounds Virginia money to him and his heirs for ever
I also desire my tract of land I purchased of Hosea Tapley Junr 901 acres on flat River be sold and the money divided amongst my Daughters and if Either of my Children shold die before they come of lawfull age or marries then there estate both real and personal be equally divided amongst those of my children as shall be then living and if either of those negroes above mentioned shold die before the owner of them comes of age or marries that them be paid at there comming of age or marries out of my estate forty pounds Virginia Currency
and I lend to my wife Margaret Pryor during her natural life or widowhood the use of my plantation and land where on I now dwell and also the use of my negroes Tom Meonah [?] Bacus nan [?] fan [?] Juda Jane Hannah Punch Captain Jno [John] Newburn and my young negros nott not yet named in my will and also the use of my personal estates to gather all my stock of all kinds and two stills which stills I gave to John Henry Pryor and Abner the large one to John Henry Pryor and the small one to Abner Pryor and at the end of her life or widdowhood my desire all my Estate of what kind soever lent to my wifes land excepted but to my wife as afore said be equally divided amongst such of my children as shall be then living
lastlly I do appoint my Son in law William Stone and my Son in law David Wamock and my wife Margaret Pryor executors & Executrix of this my last will & testament revoking all other wills given under my hand & seal this 28th day of September 1771
John Pryor (Seal)
Signed Sealed & Delivered
in presence of us
& there increase interlined
before sealed
Burgis Harrolson
Joseph Hicks
Peter Rogers
North Carolina Orange County
January Session 1772
The Executors of the within Will Duly proved in Open Court by the oath of Burges Haralson and Jos Hicks and Ordered to be recorded.
Test T Nash CC
Some Pryor Deeds, Caswell Co, NC
Caswell County, NC DB A:16 (LDS Film # 007513236, Image 13/350) 28 May 1777, William Stone & David Womack Executors & Margaret Pryor Widow & Relict & Executrix of the Estate of John Pryor deceased of Orange Co to Henry McNeill of same county, by direction of will of John Pryor, land he purchased of Hosea Tapley Sr and Hosea Tapley Jr adjoining each other, for 56#, tract on both sides of N fork of Flat River in Orange Co, 301 acres MOL. Signed William Stone (seal), David Womack (seal), Margaret Pryor (seal). Witnesses Claud Muirhead, John Urquart, Ruben (his R mark) Newton.
Caswell County, NC DB A:32 (LDS Film # 007513236, Image 21/350) 17 Oct 1777, Mathw Flornoy & Elizabeth, William Stone & Rhoda, David Womack & Mildred, John Womack & Lucy, Nicholas Perkins & Leah, Joel Pope & Rachel, Henrietta McNeill & Dolly, Henrietta Pryor & John Henry Pryor in Caswell Co to John Baird of same county, for 267#, land in Caswell Co on Mayo and Donaldson Creek, 250 acres MOL, bounded beginning at a hickory sapling of Robert McFarland now Josiah Allday’s line, thence S 178 poles to white oak on Robert Donaldson’s line, thence W crossing the creek 230 poles to a white oak on the Mill Creek, thence N 178 poles to a pine corner of McFarland now Allday’s line, thence E along his line 230 poles crossing the creek to the beginning. Also 698 acres conveyed by Earl Granville 26 Dec 1762, beginning at a read oak corner of above mentioned Mathw Flournoy & Elizabeth & c and on Robert Donaldon’s line, runs thence with his line E 28 chains to his corner hickory, thence with his line S crossing a branch 60 chains to a hickory, thence E 60 chains to a red oak, thence N cross the branch 98.5 chains to a read oak, then W 88 chains to a white oak on the said Mathw Flournoy & Elizabeth & c line 88.5 chains to the beginning. Signed Mathw Flournoy (seal), William Stone (seal), David Womack (seal), John Womack (seal), Nicholas Perkins (seal), Joel Pope (seal), Henry McNeill (seal), Henrietta Pryor (seal), John H Pryor (seal). Witnesses Archd Murphy, Laurance Vanhook, George Moore.
Caswell County, NC DB A:51 (LDS Film # 007513236, Image 30/350) 17 Oct 1777, Mathew Flournoy & Elizabeth, William Stone & Rhoda, David Womack & Milley, John Womack & Lucy, Nicholas Perkins & Leah, Joel Pope & Rachel, Henry McNeill & Dorothy, Henrietta Pryor & John H Pryor legatees jointly to Claud Muirhead of Caswell Co, for 530#, 429 acres in Caswell Co, on Hico Creek, borders Humphrey Barnett, mouth of Beaver branch, James Stewart. Signed Mathew Flournoy (seal), William Stone (seal), David Womack (seal), John Womack (seal), Nicholas Perkins (seal), Joel Pope (seal), Henry McNeill (seal), Henrietta Pryor (seal), John H Pryor (seal). Witnesses Archd Murphy, Laurance Vanhook, George Moore.