Rand, Hale, Strong and Allied Families (1940)

By Nettie Rand Hale (1881-1942), published 1940. Online at FamilySearch: Rand, Hale, Strong and Allied Families (1940).

See Archdeacon/Cody Research.

References Cited

p.123, "William Womack" - Tithing List of Henrico County, Virginia, 1679. Henrico County, Virginia, Record Book, 1677-92, pp. 285, 492, 716, 762.

    • Tithing List of Henrico County, Virginia, 1679 - actually p.102-103 of Wills & Deeds 1677-1692

    • "Record Book, 1677-92" is Wills & Deeds 1677-1692, page numbers only go up to 494

      • p.285 - inventory of Richard Womack estate, dated 19 Aug 1684

      • p.492 - Abraham Womack complains about treatment of orphans of his brother Richard Womack under John Granger, 1 Oct 1692

      • p.716 - actually from Will & Deeds 1688-1697, p.716 - Will of Thomas Womeck. Dated 21 Jan 1697 (New Style)

      • p.762 - unknown what is being referenced here. No early record books of Henrico have page numbers that high. Will & Deeds 1688-1697 stops at p.720.

p.125, "Abraham Womack" - Henrico County, Virginia, Record Book, 1677-92, pp. 289, 322; 1688-97, p 220; 1697-1704, p. 212; 1719-24, p. 116, 246; 1731-37 p 416. Records of Virginia Land Office, Book No. 8, p 172.

  • "Record Book, 1677-92" is Wills & Deeds 1677-1692

    • p.289 - Mary Womeck, widow of Richard Womeck, granted administration on his estate, 9 Oct 1684.

    • p.322 - Abraham Womeck, member of Grand Jury, 1 June 1685.

    • Wills & Deeds 1688-1697

      • p.220 - Abraham Womeck aged 49 years makes a deposition. 1 Aug 1691.

    • Wills & Deeds 1697-1704

      • p.212 - Abraham Womack Sr presented by Grand Jury for swearing. 1 Apr 1701.

  • Wills & Deeds 1719-1724

    • p.116 - Abraham Womack Sr acknowledges a deed to Abraham Womack Jr. Aug 1721.

    • p.246 - Richard Womack, deceased, Will presented in court by Elizabeth Womack his executrix. Apr 1723.

    • "1731-1737" is actually Wills & Deeds 1725-1737

      • p.416 - Will of Abraham Womack, dated Nov 1732.

  • Records of Virginia Land Office, Book No. 8, p 172 - patent dated 20 Oct 1691 to Abraham Womack & John Worsham & Edward Straton (Stratton)

p.127, "Richard Womack" - Lunenburg County, Virginia, Orders, 1746, p. 7; Book No. VI, pp. 15, 76, 245. Tithables of Lunenburg County, Virginia. Records of Virginia Land Office, Book No. XXVI, p. 336; Book No. XXX, p. 30. Lunenburg County, Virginia, Deeds, Book No. IV, pp. 324, 516; Book No. VII, p. 141. William Crozier: Virginia Records, Vol. II, pp. 74-75.

  • Lunenburg County, Virginia, Orders, 1746, p. 7 - Richard Womack made a road surveyor in Lunenburg Co

  • Lunenburg County, Virginia, Orders Book No. VI (Book 6)

    • p.15 - July Court 1759. Jacob Womack obtained Letters of Administration on the estate of Richard Womack deceased. Also, Ordered that William Watkins, Samuel Moreton, George Moore, Richard Stringer or any three of them appraise the slaves and personal estate of Richard Womack.

    • p.76 - unknown what is being referenced here. There are no Womack references on this page,

    • p.245 - March Court 1761. Jacob Womack administrator of Richard Womack deceased Plaintiff against Margaret Womack Defendant.

  • Tithables of Lunenburg County, Virginia - see link

  • Records of Virginia Land Office

    • Book No. XXVI, p. 336 - 26:336 - patent dated 5 Apr 1748 to Richard Womack, 283 acres, Brunswick Co.

    • Book No. XXX, p. 30 - this is a mistake, should be Book 34, p.30 (34:30) - patent dated 10 Mar 1756, Richard Womack, 2600 acres, Lunenburg Co.

  • Lunenburg County, Virginia, Deeds, Book No. IV

    • p.324 - Deed Richard Womack to William Watkins, 4 Oct 1756.

    • p.516 - Deed Richard Womack to Jacob Womack, 1 Aug 1757.

  • Lunenburg County, Virginia, Deeds, Book No. VII

    • p.141 - Deed Jacob Womack to Samuel Comer, 2 Sep 1761.