Goochland County

Created 1 May 1728 from Henrico Co,VA.

Marriage Records

Marriages of Goochland County, Virginia 1733-1815 Compiled by Kathleen Booth Williams

    • 9 Apr 1768 - William Wodlow and Mary Womack. John Laprade made affidavit that Mary "is above the age of 21 years" and he is surety. Witness Merth [Meredith] Price. p.12 (LDS Film # 007736797, image 80/425)

    • 25 Oct 1785 - John Davis and Nancy Walmack, daughter of Richard Walmack, who is surety. Also, his name is spelled Richard Wamack on the bond. p.31. (LDS Film # 007736797, image 160/425)

    • 17 Aug 1786 - Henry W Davis and Judith Walmack. Surety David Lanior. Witnesses David Layne and Thomas Payne. (LDS Film # 007736797, image 179/425)

1746 tax list of Goochland Co, VA

Copied from the BLANTON mailing list

page 4. Tithe List by Stephen Bedford 1746 [parish not named]

4 [tithes] Abraham Womack Jr.

4 [tithes] Abraham Wormack Sr., Thos. Wormack, Richard Wormack

Goochland Tithe List of June 1746

Abraham Womack Jr, 4 tithes

Abraham Womack Sr, 4 tithes (himself, Thomas Womack, Richard Womack, York [slave])

William Womack Sr, 3 tithes

William Womack Jr, 3 tithes

Goochland Co, VA WD 1:104 (img 67) - Will of Robert Woodson Junr of St James Parish, Goochland Co, "being sick and weak", loving wife Sarah all negroes for her natural life, and after her death divided between my brother Josiah Woodson & sister Elizabeth Woodson. Money due from Thomas Randolph. Executors wife Sarah, friends Thomas Randolph & Wm Wamack. 12 Apr 1729. Signed Robt Woodson Jur. (seal). Wit: Jno Dandridge, Job Moore, James Smith. Goochland Couty 17 June 1729, proved by John Dandridge and Job Moore. [Nowhere in this will is Robert Woodson's wife Sarah referred to as "Sarah Womack".]

Goochland Co, VA WD 1:314 (img 172) - Deed 24 Jan 1731 [probably OS, so 1732 NS] William Kent to William Womack for 2# 4 sh, 25 acres in St James Parish, Goochland Co, in line of Wm Womack. Signed Wm Kent (seal). Wit: James Holman, William Womack Junr, John (his 3 mark) Pritchett. 24 Feb 1731, Wm Womack took possession, same witnesses. Goochland Court 21 Mar 1731, acknowledged by William Kent.

Goochland Co, VA WD 1:317 (img 174) - Deed 24 Jan 1731 [probably OS, so 1732 NS] Wm Womack to James Holman, for same quantity of land, 25 acres in St James Parish, Goochland Co, Richd Crouch [?] & Martins line, Doctor Woodsons corner. Signed Wm Womack (seal). Wit: Wm Kent, William Womack Junr, John (his [sideways S] mark) Pritchett. 24 Feb 1731, James Holman took possession, same witnesses. Goochland Court 21 Mar 1731, acknowledged by William Womack.

Goochland Co, VA WD 2:145 (img 365) - Deed. "for the natural affection love and good Will I have and do Bear to my only and well beloved Son William Womack Junr" do give a tract of land in Goochland Co on branches of Great Guinea and Tarewallet, patent to me bearing date 20 June 1733. 18 Nov 1735. Signed Wm Womack (seal). Wit: J Williams, Abell Farror [Farrar]. Goochland Court 18 Nov 1735, acknowledged by William Womack.

Goochland Co, VA WD 10:344 (LDS Film # 007645027, image 333/529) - Will of Judith Graves, 13 Aug 1772, proved 17 May 1773, names grandchildren Ralph & Betsy Graves.

Virginia PB 14:267 - 25 Aug 1731 - Abraham Wamack, Jr. - 400 acres - Goochland County. "George The Second &c To all &c Know ye that for divers good causes and considerations but more especially for and in consideration of the sum of forty shillings of good and lawful money for our use paid to our Receiver General of our revenues in this our Colony and Dominion of Virginia we have given granted and confirmed and by these presents for us our heirs and successors do give grant and confirm unto Abraham Wamack Junior one certain tract or parcel of land containing four hundred acres lying and being on the south side of James River on the branches of Deep Creek in Goochland County, and bounded as followeth (to wit) Beginning at a corner white oak it being Thomas Mosses south west corner and where he corners on the land of Daniel Croom thence on Crooms line south ninety three chains to a corner white oak thence south four degrees east fifty six chains to a corner ash in a branch of Bollings Quarter branch thence east twenty five chains to a corner hickory near the said branch thence down the branch according to its meanders one hundred and two chains to a corner gum at the fork of the said Bollings Quarter branch thence north five degrees east one hundred and two chains to the line of Thomas Moss thence on his lines according to their several courses to the place began at With all &c To have hold &c To be held &c yielding & paying &c Provided &c In witness &c Witness our trusty well beloved William Gooch Esqr. our Lieut. Governor and Commander in Chief of our said Colony and Dominion at Williamsburgh under the seal of our said Colony the twenty fifth day of August one thousand seven hundred and thirty one in, the fifth year of our reign. /S/ William Gooch."

Goochland Co, VA WDB 4:239. 15 Aug 1743, Ashford Hughes of Goochland Co and St James parish to Abraham Wamack of same county and parish, for 55#, land in Goochland, south of James River, Bollings Quarter Branch and branches of Muddy Creek, 400 acres, on Womack’s line. Signed Ashford Hughes. Witnesses Charles Raley, Fras Amoss, Thomas Dillon. Goochland court, 20 Sep 1743, deed acknowledged by Ashford Hughes. [Note, the description of the lines and corners is a verbatim copy of the description from Virginia PB 14:256, Ashford Hughs, 25 Aug 1731, 400 acres in Goochland Co. Though this deed does not mention that this was Hughes’ patent, it is mentioned when the land was sold again, see Cumberland Co, VA DB 4:139, below.]

Goochland Co, VA WDB 5:352 (img 498). 17 Nov 1747, Abraham Womack Jr of Goochland gives to William Womack, “for the Natural afection [sic] which I have and do bear towards my brother William Womack”, 100 acres of land on Bollings Quarter Branch, “being part of the Survey of Land that my Father lived on”. Signed Abraham Womack. Witnesses Richard Ligon, James Ligon, Sarah Ligon. Goochland court 17 Nov 1747, deed acknowledged by Abraham Womack.

On 20 May 1749, the part of Goochland Co where Abraham Womack lived became Cumberland Co, VA.

OB 14 1779-1783 (LDS Film # 008190441)

p.186, image 137/555 - Robert H Saunders vs Henry Walmack, May Court 1783.

p.229, image 159/555 - Henry Walmack the Elder exempt from capitulation tax and county levy, Aug Court 1783.

p.248, image 169/555 - Charles Bailey vs Heny Walmack, Aug Court 1783.