Doug's Blog Part 3

Post date: Aug 1, 2019 6:53:07 AM

July 29th

Well, before I say anything else, I have to say that today was a "crash and burn". I did okay standing, but my prone rapid fire string was a career worst, and my 600 prone slow fire just circled round and round the 7 ring.

Today I was on the "short end" of Viale range at firing point 29. To the immediate left of the range is a windbreak row of large trees. These cause a sort of wave effect like wake turbulence from an aircraft wing. This spiraling vortex comes down between firing point 25 and 35 usually. Guess where I was. Additionally, the wind was blowing toward the targets. I just couldn't stay ahead of the wind.

Tomorrow will be the National Trophy Individual match. I'll be on Firing point 95 so hopefully I will be out of the rotor wash. You know it's gonna be tough when Ohio Power has a wind farm right next to the range.

Here are some photos... I Mark my gear pile with a large blue and yellow ALASKA wind sock so I can find it easier. It also makes it easy for people to find me.