TEEAC Paragraph Structure
Why do this?
The TEEAC Paragraph Structure is a structure that will help you break down the important parts of a paragraph to make sure you have communicated clearly and your audience can understand your work. This can be used in a variety of contexts, including explaining a Scientific Theory, writing an essay in English and responding to images in Art classes.
TEEAC Stands For:
Topic Sentence
Explanation & Evidence
Examples will be shown in relation to 'The Batman' poster.
TOPIC SENTENCE: Introduce the overall topic of the paragraph in a full sentence.
EXAMPLE: Colour is an important element of art because it communicates meaning without using words, for example, this batman poster uses red and high contrast to convey intensity and aggression.
EXPLANATION & EVIDENCE: Give further details to show reasoning or application of the topic and provide proof (examples, quotes, citations).
EXAMPLE: High contrast is when an image uses bright and dark colours next to each other. As dark and light are opposites, this brings a sense of conflict to the image. The colour red has been used in nature to signify danger (red belly black snakes) and has been adopted in how people show danger (stop signs). This is why it convey intensity and aggression.
ANALYSIS: Link ideas and find patterns to demonstrate the meaning, significance or purpose. Also evaluate the quality.
EXAMPLE: This poster symbolises agression and intensity because it shows the character of Batman, someone who has experienced trauma and turned to violence to protect others. Because this intensity is also represented through his dark outfit, his posture with closed fists, and the pouring rain, the poster has done a comprehensive job.
CONCLUSION: Summarise your main point and link to your next overall idea. Evaluate the image.
EXAMPLE: Colour is an important way that meaning can be represented in visual works. Other elements of art also contribute to meaning, such as subject and background.